UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Analyzing of some morphologic parameters and motor abilities among female and male volleyball players of Kosovo U-20 National Team based on playing position


Analyzing of some morphologic parameters and motor abilities among female and male volleyball players of Kosovo U-20 National Team based on playing position


Sport, Health and Society


Volleyball, today is dynamic, unpredictable explosive or counterattack sport based on high level of technique, tactics, conditioning and mental preparation, of the player and the team. On all these aspects great contribution also is given to the scientific research on the field of elite sport. In addition, important role has some morphological parameters and motor abilities such as explosive force and agility. For the purpose of this study 18 female and 13 male members of the Kosovo U-20 volleyball team were included. The sample of variables includes two anthropometric parameters: body weight and height, as well as motor tests that are indicative of explosive force, short-distance sprint, and an agility test. Among female players, blockers have the highest body height, 178.38±2.36 cm (body weight 61.68±6.20 kg), while liberos have the lowest body height 159.00±3.54cm. (body weight 55.15±3.32 kg). The best result in the long jump motor test was achieved by the hitters 210.75±15.26 cm, while the lowest by setters 193.25±13.21cm. In the sprint 20 meters the best result was the blockers 3.45±.25 seconds, while the weakest were the setters 3.67±.16 seconds. Among male players, the highest body height has the blockers 195.18±3,01cm (weight 80.37±7.03 kg), while the lowest body height has the hitters 182.95±0.92cm (body weight 72.35±11.24 kg). In the explosive force tests the best results were achieved by the hitters (269.00±.29 cm long jump and 293.00±16.97cm high jump). In the sprint tests in 20 meters, the best result was achieved by the blockers in 3.20±.25 seconds, while the weakest 3.36±.11 seconds were in the liberos. In both female and male players who play in the positions of hitters and blockers have greater body height, respectively players who play close to the net, where more jumps are needed to attack but also to block the opponent's attacks. Differences in the morphological variables and in the motor tests of the players according to their positions in the game were confirmed. In female players confirmed statistically significant differences only in one morphological variable and in two motor tests. No statistically significant differences were found in male volleyball players either in anthropometric parameters or in motor tests.


volleyball, players position, setters, hitters, blockers, libero

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Analyzing of some morphologic parameters and motor abilities among female and male volleyball players of Kosovo U-20 National Team based on playing position

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Volleyball, today is dynamic, unpredictable explosive or counterattack sport based on high level of technique, tactics, conditioning and mental preparation, of the player and the team. On all these aspects great contribution also is given to the scientific research on the field of elite sport. In addition, important role has some morphological parameters and motor abilities such as explosive force and agility. For the purpose of this study 18 female and 13 male members of the Kosovo U-20 volleyball team were included. The sample of variables includes two anthropometric parameters: body weight and height, as well as motor tests that are indicative of explosive force, short-distance sprint, and an agility test. Among female players, blockers have the highest body height, 178.38±2.36 cm (body weight 61.68±6.20 kg), while liberos have the lowest body height 159.00±3.54cm. (body weight 55.15±3.32 kg). The best result in the long jump motor test was achieved by the hitters 210.75±15.26 cm, while the lowest by setters 193.25±13.21cm. In the sprint 20 meters the best result was the blockers 3.45±.25 seconds, while the weakest were the setters 3.67±.16 seconds. Among male players, the highest body height has the blockers 195.18±3,01cm (weight 80.37±7.03 kg), while the lowest body height has the hitters 182.95±0.92cm (body weight 72.35±11.24 kg). In the explosive force tests the best results were achieved by the hitters (269.00±.29 cm long jump and 293.00±16.97cm high jump). In the sprint tests in 20 meters, the best result was achieved by the blockers in 3.20±.25 seconds, while the weakest 3.36±.11 seconds were in the liberos. In both female and male players who play in the positions of hitters and blockers have greater body height, respectively players who play close to the net, where more jumps are needed to attack but also to block the opponent's attacks. Differences in the morphological variables and in the motor tests of the players according to their positions in the game were confirmed. In female players confirmed statistically significant differences only in one morphological variable and in two motor tests. No statistically significant differences were found in male volleyball players either in anthropometric parameters or in motor tests.