UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The effect of different government restrictions in physical activity levels and exercise preferences during COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovan population


The effect of different government restrictions in physical activity levels and exercise preferences during COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovan population


Sport, Health and Society


The purpose of the current study was two-fold; firstly, to investigate the effect of two different government restrictions in PA levels expressed as energy expenditure (MET-minutes/week), and secondly to investigate personal exercise preference choices. 1633 participants (age range: 13-63 years; mean: 24.70±9.33 years; body height: 172±10.57 cm; body mass: 69.10±13.80 kg; BMI: 23.09±3.63 kg/m2) were enrolled in the study. A cross-sectional study design was implemented using an online questionnaire, including an adapted version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF). The data concerning PA levels during pandemic were collected under the restriction measures of the government, whereas, PA levels before the pandemic were collected retrospectively. To analyse the data Mann-Whitney was used to analyse the data. Significant differences in MET-min/week between pre and during conditions for both types of government restrictions measures (p<000.1). Likewise, the MET-min/week was significantly higher (p<000.1) during the 1st type of home confinement compared to the 2nd one. As for the % of personal preferences on being engaged in PA, 71.03% used to exercise alone, 10.83% in couple, 8.26% in small groups and 9.85% didn’t prefer to respond. COVID-19 restrictions decreased PA levels and MET-min/week among Kosovan population, in both times from different government measures, with higher decrease on the second resections. As for the exercise personal preferences, Kosovan people preferred on being alone while exercising.


COVID-19 pandemic, PA levels, exercise preferences

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The effect of different government restrictions in physical activity levels and exercise preferences during COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovan population

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The purpose of the current study was two-fold; firstly, to investigate the effect of two different government restrictions in PA levels expressed as energy expenditure (MET-minutes/week), and secondly to investigate personal exercise preference choices. 1633 participants (age range: 13-63 years; mean: 24.70±9.33 years; body height: 172±10.57 cm; body mass: 69.10±13.80 kg; BMI: 23.09±3.63 kg/m2) were enrolled in the study. A cross-sectional study design was implemented using an online questionnaire, including an adapted version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF). The data concerning PA levels during pandemic were collected under the restriction measures of the government, whereas, PA levels before the pandemic were collected retrospectively. To analyse the data Mann-Whitney was used to analyse the data. Significant differences in MET-min/week between pre and during conditions for both types of government restrictions measures (p<000.1). Likewise, the MET-min/week was significantly higher (p<000.1) during the 1st type of home confinement compared to the 2nd one. As for the % of personal preferences on being engaged in PA, 71.03% used to exercise alone, 10.83% in couple, 8.26% in small groups and 9.85% didn’t prefer to respond. COVID-19 restrictions decreased PA levels and MET-min/week among Kosovan population, in both times from different government measures, with higher decrease on the second resections. As for the exercise personal preferences, Kosovan people preferred on being alone while exercising.