UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Globospermia. Genetic defect as acrosomal malformation of sperm. The first case detected in Kosovo


Globospermia. Genetic defect as acrosomal malformation of sperm. The first case detected in Kosovo


Medicine and Nursing


Introduction:Among the factors involved in male infertility, there is a rare morphology disorder called "globozoospermia" that is classified into total globozoospermia and partial globozoospermia (type I and type II, respectively). This syndrome is primarily char‐ acterised by the presence of round‐headed spermatozoa with cytoskeleton defects around the nucleus and no acrosome.

Objective: To document the pathology of sperm with globozoospermia as the first case detected in Kosovo in the ejaculate sample in a male with primary infertility of 11 years.

Result: Microscopy of the ejaculate sample stained with the May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) method showed that 82% of the sperm had round heads and no acrosomes. Ejaculate volume and sperm concentration were normal. The average sperm motility was very low 1-2% and was of category c (movement in place), despite the morphological abnormalities 82% of workers according to the recommendations from the WHO manual of 2010. Vitality test (Eosin - Negrosine test) has a percentage low (21-24%) The results of hormonal tests have shown that they are normal in men with globospermia.

Conclusions: In general, it can be said that globozoospermia reduces sperm quality especially normal morphology and motility by preventing normal fertilization in vivo. Considering that globospermia is a genetic defect (mutation of the DPY19L2 gene) it can be concluded that the diagnosis of men with total or partial globozoospermia suggests to the clinician in the only possible and right decision to advise men with globospermia that they can become parents only through IVF-ICSI medically assisted fertilization methods. Medication is not recommended because it shows no success.


Globospermia, sperm, male infertility, IVF-ICSI

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Globospermia. Genetic defect as acrosomal malformation of sperm. The first case detected in Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Introduction:Among the factors involved in male infertility, there is a rare morphology disorder called "globozoospermia" that is classified into total globozoospermia and partial globozoospermia (type I and type II, respectively). This syndrome is primarily char‐ acterised by the presence of round‐headed spermatozoa with cytoskeleton defects around the nucleus and no acrosome.

Objective: To document the pathology of sperm with globozoospermia as the first case detected in Kosovo in the ejaculate sample in a male with primary infertility of 11 years.

Result: Microscopy of the ejaculate sample stained with the May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) method showed that 82% of the sperm had round heads and no acrosomes. Ejaculate volume and sperm concentration were normal. The average sperm motility was very low 1-2% and was of category c (movement in place), despite the morphological abnormalities 82% of workers according to the recommendations from the WHO manual of 2010. Vitality test (Eosin - Negrosine test) has a percentage low (21-24%) The results of hormonal tests have shown that they are normal in men with globospermia.

Conclusions: In general, it can be said that globozoospermia reduces sperm quality especially normal morphology and motility by preventing normal fertilization in vivo. Considering that globospermia is a genetic defect (mutation of the DPY19L2 gene) it can be concluded that the diagnosis of men with total or partial globozoospermia suggests to the clinician in the only possible and right decision to advise men with globospermia that they can become parents only through IVF-ICSI medically assisted fertilization methods. Medication is not recommended because it shows no success.