UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Correction of Post-Burn Contracture of Second Fingers with Two Stages Reconstruction. A Case Report


Correction of Post-Burn Contracture of Second Fingers with Two Stages Reconstruction. A Case Report

Presenter Information

Zejnë Buja


Medicine and Nursing


Introduction: Post-burn finger contractures are still a common event in our surgical work. They present after deep hand burns. The treatment and prophylaxis of these post-burn deformities are a crucial moment in the treatment of patients with burns

Patient: We present a case with post-burn palmar (flexor) major contractures of second fingers (about 110°), of which released with two stages reconstruction technique, with the full skin graft and application of Kirschner wire.

Conclusion: Managing of post-burn hand deformities can be a long and complex procedure. Timely wound closure and the development of an individual programme for surgical treatment of post-burn finger deformities are crucial for optimal outcomes in patients with burns.


post-burn contractures, repair, skin graft, rehabilitation.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Correction of Post-Burn Contracture of Second Fingers with Two Stages Reconstruction. A Case Report

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Introduction: Post-burn finger contractures are still a common event in our surgical work. They present after deep hand burns. The treatment and prophylaxis of these post-burn deformities are a crucial moment in the treatment of patients with burns

Patient: We present a case with post-burn palmar (flexor) major contractures of second fingers (about 110°), of which released with two stages reconstruction technique, with the full skin graft and application of Kirschner wire.

Conclusion: Managing of post-burn hand deformities can be a long and complex procedure. Timely wound closure and the development of an individual programme for surgical treatment of post-burn finger deformities are crucial for optimal outcomes in patients with burns.