UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Challenges and grievances of surgical nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic


Challenges and grievances of surgical nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic


Medicine and Nursing


Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has spread globally since 2019, resulting in the 2019-2021 coronavirus pandemic. In the rapid spread of the virus in our country, health personnel were most affected because it was on the front lines of the battle. Nurses represent the largest group of health personnel who have been in direct contact with patients. The lack of nurses at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, the Pulmonology Clinic and the opening of other units with patients with covid 19 have forced the nurses of surgical clinics and other clinics to help, where however, any additional help that may come to the health system today is indisputably, useful as never before.

Aim: This study aims to investigate the challenges and grievances of surgical nurses in other clinics located with patients with covid 19 in UCCK who worked under a psychological pressure (stress, anxiety and work fatigue) of nurses who work and care for patients infected with Sars cov 2

Methodology: An interpretive phenomenological analysis will be used for this study, which will enable us as researchers to explore the topic in depth by taking the experiences of surgical nurses about their challenges and grievances at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Pulmonology Clinic and additional patient open units. me Covid 19.

Phenomenology allows the researcher to examine a phenomenon or event in the everyday world from the perspective of individuals experiencing them (Streubert and Carpenter, 1999). Ten surgical nurses who have been in open surgeries with patients with covid 19 and in infectious and pulmonary clinics will be interviewed using semi-structured interviews.

Results: The results of the interview derived from the informants' descriptions will serve as a basis for understanding the experiences of surgical nurses. The results of this study will be important in identifying the challenges and grievances of surgical nurses who were under psychological pressure, increased workload, lack of quality personal protective equipment (PPE), social stigma, lack of incentives, lack of coordination and proper management during their service by the institution. Informants will be selected using the purposeful sampling technique, while interviews will be conducted until data saturation is done. Data will be collected between March-August 2021 and analyzed using the Colaizzi (1978) analysis method. To ensure data reliability (triangulation).


sars covid 2, surgical nurses, challenges

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Challenges and grievances of surgical nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has spread globally since 2019, resulting in the 2019-2021 coronavirus pandemic. In the rapid spread of the virus in our country, health personnel were most affected because it was on the front lines of the battle. Nurses represent the largest group of health personnel who have been in direct contact with patients. The lack of nurses at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, the Pulmonology Clinic and the opening of other units with patients with covid 19 have forced the nurses of surgical clinics and other clinics to help, where however, any additional help that may come to the health system today is indisputably, useful as never before.

Aim: This study aims to investigate the challenges and grievances of surgical nurses in other clinics located with patients with covid 19 in UCCK who worked under a psychological pressure (stress, anxiety and work fatigue) of nurses who work and care for patients infected with Sars cov 2

Methodology: An interpretive phenomenological analysis will be used for this study, which will enable us as researchers to explore the topic in depth by taking the experiences of surgical nurses about their challenges and grievances at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Pulmonology Clinic and additional patient open units. me Covid 19.

Phenomenology allows the researcher to examine a phenomenon or event in the everyday world from the perspective of individuals experiencing them (Streubert and Carpenter, 1999). Ten surgical nurses who have been in open surgeries with patients with covid 19 and in infectious and pulmonary clinics will be interviewed using semi-structured interviews.

Results: The results of the interview derived from the informants' descriptions will serve as a basis for understanding the experiences of surgical nurses. The results of this study will be important in identifying the challenges and grievances of surgical nurses who were under psychological pressure, increased workload, lack of quality personal protective equipment (PPE), social stigma, lack of incentives, lack of coordination and proper management during their service by the institution. Informants will be selected using the purposeful sampling technique, while interviews will be conducted until data saturation is done. Data will be collected between March-August 2021 and analyzed using the Colaizzi (1978) analysis method. To ensure data reliability (triangulation).