UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The in-between spaces: informal and formal courtyards in residential architecture in Kosovo – in-between planning, cultural and performative paradigms


The in-between spaces: informal and formal courtyards in residential architecture in Kosovo – in-between planning, cultural and performative paradigms


Architecture and Spatial Planning


With the advent of technology and globalization, many traditional patterns in architecture have been lost and some reframed for contemporary society. Courtyards in residential architecture are some remarkable in-between spaces with their multi-performative capacity and role such as; cultural, social, religious, climatic, to mention a few. This paper will investigate and analyze courtyards in residential architecture in Kosovo, both pre- and post-war, also their informal or organic proliferation as well as the formal and well-designed courtyards, such as atriums, patios, enclosed and inner courtyards. Through the method of field investigation and spatial analysis in terms of ratios (i.e., inside-outside; depth-height), connectivity, integration, and visibility, a set of patterns do emerge. Much more, this paper investigates the planning and building codes for their appropriateness in facilitating the development of courtyards in residential architecture as well as some design strategies and examples of how contemporary residential architecture in Kosovo can incorporate courtyard spaces for their cultural and performative versatility.


courtyards, residential, cultural, performative

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The in-between spaces: informal and formal courtyards in residential architecture in Kosovo – in-between planning, cultural and performative paradigms

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

With the advent of technology and globalization, many traditional patterns in architecture have been lost and some reframed for contemporary society. Courtyards in residential architecture are some remarkable in-between spaces with their multi-performative capacity and role such as; cultural, social, religious, climatic, to mention a few. This paper will investigate and analyze courtyards in residential architecture in Kosovo, both pre- and post-war, also their informal or organic proliferation as well as the formal and well-designed courtyards, such as atriums, patios, enclosed and inner courtyards. Through the method of field investigation and spatial analysis in terms of ratios (i.e., inside-outside; depth-height), connectivity, integration, and visibility, a set of patterns do emerge. Much more, this paper investigates the planning and building codes for their appropriateness in facilitating the development of courtyards in residential architecture as well as some design strategies and examples of how contemporary residential architecture in Kosovo can incorporate courtyard spaces for their cultural and performative versatility.