UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Thresholds in architecture: from symbolics to practical poetics and politics – with a reflection for a post-pandemic world


Thresholds in architecture: from symbolics to practical poetics and politics – with a reflection for a post-pandemic world


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Human beings do produce ‘communication’ fields in order to organize space, which in the same time influences the social and cultural behavior. Thresholds remain a very primordial features with increased relevancies in contemporary societies, as symbolic, poetic, programmatic and political features, entities and tools from the scale of a state, city to the very scale of an internal space. This paper explores, categorizes, compares and elaborates the threshold in architecture - especially from traditional architecture in Kosovo - to the new digital age of virtual thresholds and cosmetic boundaries and their role of composing and configuring space within various constraints; socio-cultural customs, privacy, security, order, territoriality, status, etc., to mention few. Finally, the intention of this paper is to resonate the role of thresholds in organizing space in a post-pandemic world, where the concept of open plan is put into question by in the same time increasing the relevance of flexibility and dissolving more and more the thresholds of connecting the inside with the outside.


thresholds, symbolics, poetics, politics

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Thresholds in architecture: from symbolics to practical poetics and politics – with a reflection for a post-pandemic world

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Human beings do produce ‘communication’ fields in order to organize space, which in the same time influences the social and cultural behavior. Thresholds remain a very primordial features with increased relevancies in contemporary societies, as symbolic, poetic, programmatic and political features, entities and tools from the scale of a state, city to the very scale of an internal space. This paper explores, categorizes, compares and elaborates the threshold in architecture - especially from traditional architecture in Kosovo - to the new digital age of virtual thresholds and cosmetic boundaries and their role of composing and configuring space within various constraints; socio-cultural customs, privacy, security, order, territoriality, status, etc., to mention few. Finally, the intention of this paper is to resonate the role of thresholds in organizing space in a post-pandemic world, where the concept of open plan is put into question by in the same time increasing the relevance of flexibility and dissolving more and more the thresholds of connecting the inside with the outside.