UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Integrated Cross- border Spatial Planning


Integrated Cross- border Spatial Planning


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Strengthening integrated cross- border spatial planning will help States to combine sectorial activities and will give new inputs to cooperation between different interest groups and stake- holders through integrated inter- regional development! This process will be based on four main pillars:

  • Identifying areas of cooperation and synergies

  • Developing pilot actions for identifying and using good practices

  • Supporting trans- national policies and efforts on environment protection and climate changes

  • Rationalizing use of resources through developing concepts, networks and cooperation structures

Even this process will bring to the situation where is needed more information’s and knowledge regarding new spatial challenges through integrated planning concept and also more coordination on organizational requirement’s and governance. At the end this process will bring benefits for both sides, and that through some fields of action:

  • Good practices on developing (planning and implementation) process through integrated strategies, programs and projects,

  • Development of polycentric urban systems based on resources,

  • Development of rural areas and improvement of their relationship with urban areas,

  • Development of multi- modal transport systems and access to infrastructures,

  • Improvement and access to knowledge and information’s,

  • Improvement and approach to the natural and cultural heritage,

  • Economic development especially in the field of tourism.

Therefore, various involved levels and forms of cross- border spatial planning and measures to intensify this are of interest nowadays because spatial planning is most dynamic development concept in Europe providing the framework of integrated cooperation!


spatial, integrated, development, cross- border, sectorial, policy, project, practice, cooperation.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Integrated Cross- border Spatial Planning

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Strengthening integrated cross- border spatial planning will help States to combine sectorial activities and will give new inputs to cooperation between different interest groups and stake- holders through integrated inter- regional development! This process will be based on four main pillars:

  • Identifying areas of cooperation and synergies

  • Developing pilot actions for identifying and using good practices

  • Supporting trans- national policies and efforts on environment protection and climate changes

  • Rationalizing use of resources through developing concepts, networks and cooperation structures

Even this process will bring to the situation where is needed more information’s and knowledge regarding new spatial challenges through integrated planning concept and also more coordination on organizational requirement’s and governance. At the end this process will bring benefits for both sides, and that through some fields of action:

  • Good practices on developing (planning and implementation) process through integrated strategies, programs and projects,

  • Development of polycentric urban systems based on resources,

  • Development of rural areas and improvement of their relationship with urban areas,

  • Development of multi- modal transport systems and access to infrastructures,

  • Improvement and access to knowledge and information’s,

  • Improvement and approach to the natural and cultural heritage,

  • Economic development especially in the field of tourism.

Therefore, various involved levels and forms of cross- border spatial planning and measures to intensify this are of interest nowadays because spatial planning is most dynamic development concept in Europe providing the framework of integrated cooperation!