UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Housing as an Important Component in Municipal Development Plans and Zonal Maps of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo


Housing as an Important Component in Municipal Development Plans and Zonal Maps of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Housing plays a key role in creating the places where people want to live - places where they want to invest in business and thus increase economic development opportunities. The right to housing is increasingly present in the framework of global policies and in the fight for human rights, sanctioned by international conventions. Treatment of Housing through Legislation and Planning documents, using zoning bonuses, which must be within the technical norms of spatial planning. This value can only be achieved if permitted by a Spatial Planning document such as the Municipal Development Plan (MDP), the Municipal Zoning Map (MZM) and the Detailed Regulatory Plan (DRP). The living space that is subsidized by the Institutions, is designated as a living space reserved for buildings which are subsidized by the Central or Local Government, in cooperation with investors and donors, which will be for low-income persons and families which will be in line with the goals, objectives, vision and strategies of the Municipal Development Plan. Government budget funds are limited, but through special housing programs, based on legislation, housing can be provided for groups of people who can not afford to solve the housing issue on their own financial means. In Kosovo there are no sources of financing with long-term loans and interest to provide housing needs by harmonizing them with households. The credit system is limited and with high interest rates (11-12%). Funding of planned projects for social housing and affordable housing will be financed mainly from the Kosovo Consolidated Budget (KCB), and partly from donors or international cooperation, through the Regional Development Programs. Knowing these and many other problems, through this paper, I will explore the methodology for affordable housing, which will aim to provide housing for all. Housing for all means dignified living conditions. Housing for everyone means enough space, the opportunity to develop a new life throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.


Housing, Legislation, special housing programs, Planning documents, zoning bonuses, technical planning norms, affordable housing.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Housing as an Important Component in Municipal Development Plans and Zonal Maps of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Housing plays a key role in creating the places where people want to live - places where they want to invest in business and thus increase economic development opportunities. The right to housing is increasingly present in the framework of global policies and in the fight for human rights, sanctioned by international conventions. Treatment of Housing through Legislation and Planning documents, using zoning bonuses, which must be within the technical norms of spatial planning. This value can only be achieved if permitted by a Spatial Planning document such as the Municipal Development Plan (MDP), the Municipal Zoning Map (MZM) and the Detailed Regulatory Plan (DRP). The living space that is subsidized by the Institutions, is designated as a living space reserved for buildings which are subsidized by the Central or Local Government, in cooperation with investors and donors, which will be for low-income persons and families which will be in line with the goals, objectives, vision and strategies of the Municipal Development Plan. Government budget funds are limited, but through special housing programs, based on legislation, housing can be provided for groups of people who can not afford to solve the housing issue on their own financial means. In Kosovo there are no sources of financing with long-term loans and interest to provide housing needs by harmonizing them with households. The credit system is limited and with high interest rates (11-12%). Funding of planned projects for social housing and affordable housing will be financed mainly from the Kosovo Consolidated Budget (KCB), and partly from donors or international cooperation, through the Regional Development Programs. Knowing these and many other problems, through this paper, I will explore the methodology for affordable housing, which will aim to provide housing for all. Housing for all means dignified living conditions. Housing for everyone means enough space, the opportunity to develop a new life throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.