UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Searching for Sustainable Alternatives in Transportation Systems: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in the Context of Organic Transportation – Case study of Vienna


Searching for Sustainable Alternatives in Transportation Systems: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in the Context of Organic Transportation – Case study of Vienna


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Starting with the Industrial Revolution and establishing itself throughout XX. Century, especially in developing countries, the phenomenon of excessive and uncontrolled urbanization has brought rapid urban growth in many countries, resulting in urban sprawl and demand for motorized travel with severe environmental, social and economic consequences. In addition to being an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, urban transportation also poses a threat to health due to air and sound pollution. Traffic congestion caused by unsustainable transport systems is responsible for significant economic and efficiency costs for passenger and freight carriers. Furthermore; existing urban transportation, where not everyone can participate equally, also leads to social inequality. SUMP, in addition to providing appropriate solutions in mobility, also enables the creation of more compact and efficient urban spaces, and thus, this article calls for the adoption of this approach and application. It also highlights the role of accessibility-based urban planning in the development of sustainable cities where sustainable modes of transportation are preferred. This study evaluates the search for solutions in the context of sustainable transportation and examines the approach and application of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in context of Organic Transportation with focus on Vienna’s SUMP as a study case.


Urban Transportation, Sustainability, Accessability, SUMP, Organic Transportation

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Searching for Sustainable Alternatives in Transportation Systems: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in the Context of Organic Transportation – Case study of Vienna

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Starting with the Industrial Revolution and establishing itself throughout XX. Century, especially in developing countries, the phenomenon of excessive and uncontrolled urbanization has brought rapid urban growth in many countries, resulting in urban sprawl and demand for motorized travel with severe environmental, social and economic consequences. In addition to being an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, urban transportation also poses a threat to health due to air and sound pollution. Traffic congestion caused by unsustainable transport systems is responsible for significant economic and efficiency costs for passenger and freight carriers. Furthermore; existing urban transportation, where not everyone can participate equally, also leads to social inequality. SUMP, in addition to providing appropriate solutions in mobility, also enables the creation of more compact and efficient urban spaces, and thus, this article calls for the adoption of this approach and application. It also highlights the role of accessibility-based urban planning in the development of sustainable cities where sustainable modes of transportation are preferred. This study evaluates the search for solutions in the context of sustainable transportation and examines the approach and application of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in context of Organic Transportation with focus on Vienna’s SUMP as a study case.