UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Independence and credibility of the media - with special emphasis on the Kosovo media



Journalism, Media and Communication


In Kosovo, from 1999 and onwards, are published twelve printed daily newspapers, only four of which, still exist. Regarding the audiovisual media, there are three national television stations, among them, one is a public television station with four channels and four of them are private television stations (KTV, RTV 21, Klan Kosova, and TV7). Besides these televisions, there are also local television stations, a Public Radio (RTK with two programs) and many other local radios. From a survey of over 350 respondents from all regions of Kosovo, aged 19-35 years, regarding to the question "What do they consider media?", it came out that 256 of them or 70% answered "everything that informs", while 63 or 17% answered that they “consider only television as media that informs”. 15 or 4% said that they consider newspapers as media. 30 or 8% consider portals as media and only 1% consider radio as media. In this context, credibility in the media is this: 280 or 76.6% responded that they trust radio televisions. 48 or 13% responded that they trust the print journalism, newspapers and magazines. Other part responded that they trust portals. When it comes to selecting one media, respondents said that they receive information from almost all media, but there lead portals with 236 respondents, followed by TV stations with 100 respondents and others are informed by newspapers and other media.


information, media, the public, citizens, respondents

Session Chair

Gjylie Rexha

Session Co-Chair

Votim Hanoli

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



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Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 10:45 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:15 PM




Oct 30th, 10:45 AM Oct 30th, 12:15 PM

Independence and credibility of the media - with special emphasis on the Kosovo media

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

In Kosovo, from 1999 and onwards, are published twelve printed daily newspapers, only four of which, still exist. Regarding the audiovisual media, there are three national television stations, among them, one is a public television station with four channels and four of them are private television stations (KTV, RTV 21, Klan Kosova, and TV7). Besides these televisions, there are also local television stations, a Public Radio (RTK with two programs) and many other local radios. From a survey of over 350 respondents from all regions of Kosovo, aged 19-35 years, regarding to the question "What do they consider media?", it came out that 256 of them or 70% answered "everything that informs", while 63 or 17% answered that they “consider only television as media that informs”. 15 or 4% said that they consider newspapers as media. 30 or 8% consider portals as media and only 1% consider radio as media. In this context, credibility in the media is this: 280 or 76.6% responded that they trust radio televisions. 48 or 13% responded that they trust the print journalism, newspapers and magazines. Other part responded that they trust portals. When it comes to selecting one media, respondents said that they receive information from almost all media, but there lead portals with 236 respondents, followed by TV stations with 100 respondents and others are informed by newspapers and other media.