UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The role of newspapers in raising the political and national consciousness of Albanians in the last phase of the Albanian National Revival


The role of newspapers in raising the political and national consciousness of Albanians in the last phase of the Albanian National Revival


Journalism, Media and Communication


Among the important factors that directly contributed to the political and national awareness are the newspapers as a means of communication. Political instability during the years 1876-1881 contributed to the transformation of the network of activists into networks of readers. With the development of publications and the opening of the first schools, circles or networks of readers gradually began to form. The first newspapers were created by members of the first network of Albanian activists, such as Thimi Mitko, Anastas Koulouioti, Jeronim De Rada, the Frashëri brothers, etc. The distribution of the first newspapers took place precisely in the middle of this network. The Albanian press and the ideas he conveyed spread little by little in a wider circle. In this period the newspapers were not only few, but also short-lived. The Albanian press in this period is characterized by the treatment of problems of a political and ethnic nature by Albanians in the Ottoman Empire. In this paper a special focus will have the newspapers during the period of the last phase of the Albanian National Revival with a focus during the years 1876-1912. The focus will be on various newspapers published during the aforementioned period, such as "Lalbanese d Italia", "Pellazgu", "Albania", "Drita", "Kombi", "Bashkimi i Kombit" etc. The paper touches on the period when Albanian activists in the political field pass from the idea of autonomy to the idea of creating an Albanian state. The paper deals with the issue of transforming the network of activities of Albanianism in the circles of readers. Special attention will be paid to newspapers as instruments for constructing an Albanian nation. So, the object of treatment will be the role of the newspapers of the time in the patriotic education of the Albanian citizen.


Press, political awareness, political propaganda, Albanian national issue

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The role of newspapers in raising the political and national consciousness of Albanians in the last phase of the Albanian National Revival

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Among the important factors that directly contributed to the political and national awareness are the newspapers as a means of communication. Political instability during the years 1876-1881 contributed to the transformation of the network of activists into networks of readers. With the development of publications and the opening of the first schools, circles or networks of readers gradually began to form. The first newspapers were created by members of the first network of Albanian activists, such as Thimi Mitko, Anastas Koulouioti, Jeronim De Rada, the Frashëri brothers, etc. The distribution of the first newspapers took place precisely in the middle of this network. The Albanian press and the ideas he conveyed spread little by little in a wider circle. In this period the newspapers were not only few, but also short-lived. The Albanian press in this period is characterized by the treatment of problems of a political and ethnic nature by Albanians in the Ottoman Empire. In this paper a special focus will have the newspapers during the period of the last phase of the Albanian National Revival with a focus during the years 1876-1912. The focus will be on various newspapers published during the aforementioned period, such as "Lalbanese d Italia", "Pellazgu", "Albania", "Drita", "Kombi", "Bashkimi i Kombit" etc. The paper touches on the period when Albanian activists in the political field pass from the idea of autonomy to the idea of creating an Albanian state. The paper deals with the issue of transforming the network of activities of Albanianism in the circles of readers. Special attention will be paid to newspapers as instruments for constructing an Albanian nation. So, the object of treatment will be the role of the newspapers of the time in the patriotic education of the Albanian citizen.