UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Balkan leaders plans vs European Union plans! The case of Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia


Balkan leaders plans vs European Union plans! The case of Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia

Presenter Information

Ines Stasa
Ada Guven


Political Science


Recent debate on the Western Balkans countries lies upon the project of Mini Schengen, whose perspective is yet to be seen in the light of its success and/or failure. Public opinion is far from knowing in-depth the concrete stepping stones of this highly advertised project by leaders of Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia, but highly contested by the Kosovo one. The main concern is on how is to be implemented a joint effort for reconciliation and strong economic relationships in a deep divided political context? In the framework of a persistent rejection of opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia; political discourse of the Albanian PM against the European Union policy on the Western Balkans; European Union efforts on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, are all parts of a Balkan puzzle that have the tendency to seem like Balkan leadership has other plans from the European Union establishment. In this research article will be used qualitative data in a comparative case studies on Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. Mini Shengen will be analysed on the projection whether it may result in a good neighboring policy within the contested and divided experimental political boundaries of the Western Balkan countries.


Mini Shengen project, Edi Rama, Albin Kurti, Zoran Zaev, reconciliation, good neighboring.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Balkan leaders plans vs European Union plans! The case of Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Recent debate on the Western Balkans countries lies upon the project of Mini Schengen, whose perspective is yet to be seen in the light of its success and/or failure. Public opinion is far from knowing in-depth the concrete stepping stones of this highly advertised project by leaders of Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia, but highly contested by the Kosovo one. The main concern is on how is to be implemented a joint effort for reconciliation and strong economic relationships in a deep divided political context? In the framework of a persistent rejection of opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia; political discourse of the Albanian PM against the European Union policy on the Western Balkans; European Union efforts on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, are all parts of a Balkan puzzle that have the tendency to seem like Balkan leadership has other plans from the European Union establishment. In this research article will be used qualitative data in a comparative case studies on Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia. Mini Shengen will be analysed on the projection whether it may result in a good neighboring policy within the contested and divided experimental political boundaries of the Western Balkan countries.