UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: End-User Software Application Reliability: Case Study


End-User Software Application Reliability: Case Study


Information Systems and Security


The reliability of software applications is an important factor that affects the security of the system and is very important for the quality of the software, along with functionality, usability, performance, capability, sustainability and documentation.

This issue is not new, it has already been addressed in the implementation of various software, but outside the country, where their use requires confidentiality by users.

The goal of software application engineers is to increase the likelihood that a completed software application will work flawlessly for end users. Therefore, measurements and information from a trusted software application are very important. Software confidentiality and reliability measurements can be used to plan and control the resources for implementing software applications. They can also provide confidence in the accuracy of a completed software.

This paper should provide relevant information on the reliability of software applications in the country; a modified model of the statistical usage testing method (SUT) will be presented, which gives us the opportunity to assess and predict the reliability and reliability of a software. The statistical testing method is a certified software confidentiality method that is part of software engineering. The main purpose of the method is to verify the reliability and reliability of the software and to find errors with a major impact on the security of the software, as well as the method provides statistical rules during testing.


Reliability, software applications, confidentiality, testing methods.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page



UBT Kampus,Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

End-User Software Application Reliability: Case Study

UBT Kampus,Lipjan

The reliability of software applications is an important factor that affects the security of the system and is very important for the quality of the software, along with functionality, usability, performance, capability, sustainability and documentation.

This issue is not new, it has already been addressed in the implementation of various software, but outside the country, where their use requires confidentiality by users.

The goal of software application engineers is to increase the likelihood that a completed software application will work flawlessly for end users. Therefore, measurements and information from a trusted software application are very important. Software confidentiality and reliability measurements can be used to plan and control the resources for implementing software applications. They can also provide confidence in the accuracy of a completed software.

This paper should provide relevant information on the reliability of software applications in the country; a modified model of the statistical usage testing method (SUT) will be presented, which gives us the opportunity to assess and predict the reliability and reliability of a software. The statistical testing method is a certified software confidentiality method that is part of software engineering. The main purpose of the method is to verify the reliability and reliability of the software and to find errors with a major impact on the security of the software, as well as the method provides statistical rules during testing.