UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Wastewater treatment methods in Gjakova


Wastewater treatment methods in Gjakova


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


The need to have clean water for drinking and other needs, starts from early times. Being a basic need for survival, people have used various methods to purify water: by boiling it, heating it in the sun, by dipping a heated iron into it, by filtering it through sand and coarse gravel, and many other methods. All these methods, nowadays are basic so that they are based and developed every day and more in order to achieve the best water quality. Wastewater treatment is also very important, given the fact that in our country, this water has been discharged and still continues to be discharged in some places, in rivers or lakes, making the water not drinkable and unusable , but at the same time very dangerous.

In this research will be elaborated the theme of wastewater treatment methods in Gjakova. The wastewater treatment plant in Gjakova is not yet operational as it is still under construction and it is expected that the works will be completed this year. This plant is a project funded by the Swiss and German government and the municipality of Gjakova. The plant provides the following treatment methods:

1. Mechanical / primary treatment

2. Secondary treatment (Drip filters)

3. Aerobic dilution of sludge and mechanical removal of water from sludge (drainage)

for 32,000 equivalent inhabitants (P.E) and for the hydraulic capacity (maximum flow) of 500 m3 / h. The project is generally divided into two components: A and B; where Component A (report) includes project implementation while Component B includes accompanying measures (for which a separate initial report will be prepared after the service starts).

The main pipeline collects the wastewater of collectors I and II and forwards that water to the new ITUZ site. The collector passes through a wasteland south of the last town houses, crosses the Krena River through a bridge and then crosses several agricultural fields before reaching the new ITUZ location.

As ITUZ in Gjakova is a high capacity plant, details will be elaborated regarding what is foreseen in this project:

• Replacement / construction of main sewers;

• Rehabilitation works of the sewerage network;

• Disconnection of fecal sewage from the atmospheric sewage network;

• Construction of a main sewerage pipeline up to the envisaged wastewater treatment plant;

• Construction of overpass structures and bridge for the main pipeline.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Wastewater treatment methods in Gjakova

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The need to have clean water for drinking and other needs, starts from early times. Being a basic need for survival, people have used various methods to purify water: by boiling it, heating it in the sun, by dipping a heated iron into it, by filtering it through sand and coarse gravel, and many other methods. All these methods, nowadays are basic so that they are based and developed every day and more in order to achieve the best water quality. Wastewater treatment is also very important, given the fact that in our country, this water has been discharged and still continues to be discharged in some places, in rivers or lakes, making the water not drinkable and unusable , but at the same time very dangerous.

In this research will be elaborated the theme of wastewater treatment methods in Gjakova. The wastewater treatment plant in Gjakova is not yet operational as it is still under construction and it is expected that the works will be completed this year. This plant is a project funded by the Swiss and German government and the municipality of Gjakova. The plant provides the following treatment methods:

1. Mechanical / primary treatment

2. Secondary treatment (Drip filters)

3. Aerobic dilution of sludge and mechanical removal of water from sludge (drainage)

for 32,000 equivalent inhabitants (P.E) and for the hydraulic capacity (maximum flow) of 500 m3 / h. The project is generally divided into two components: A and B; where Component A (report) includes project implementation while Component B includes accompanying measures (for which a separate initial report will be prepared after the service starts).

The main pipeline collects the wastewater of collectors I and II and forwards that water to the new ITUZ site. The collector passes through a wasteland south of the last town houses, crosses the Krena River through a bridge and then crosses several agricultural fields before reaching the new ITUZ location.

As ITUZ in Gjakova is a high capacity plant, details will be elaborated regarding what is foreseen in this project:

• Replacement / construction of main sewers;

• Rehabilitation works of the sewerage network;

• Disconnection of fecal sewage from the atmospheric sewage network;

• Construction of a main sewerage pipeline up to the envisaged wastewater treatment plant;

• Construction of overpass structures and bridge for the main pipeline.