Energy Efficiency Engineering
In Kosovo participation of renewable resources is very symbolic, most of the generated electricity produced from fossil fuel, a part of the energy comes from the import. Pristina is ranked among the most polluted sites and this is mainly: by transport, old power plants, and fossil fuel use as a heating fuel for winter seasons. Therefore, the aim of this paper is the use of solar energy knowing that the average sun duration for the city of Pristine is 5.44[h], while the average horizontal irradiation is 3.79[kWh/m²] per day. In this paper, the first step is analyzing and mapping of appropriate surfaces for installation of solar thermal collectors and solar panels. To realize the demand for sanitary hot water for the city of Pristine, need total gross surface area: 186,084.5 [m 2 ], for the number of inhabitants 210,282, was taken the total of residential household in Pristine with around 38,289 units, and the average number of people per house 5 occupants. While to realize the demand for electricity for 38,289 residential household with 5 members, a minimum of 199.1028 [MWp] is required, if we take the panel monocrystalline with 400[Wp], we need a total of 497,757 panels with an area of 981,120.9 [m 2 ]. It means that to realize the demand: for electricity and sanitary hot water, from solar energy, for the city of Pristina requires total gross surface area 1,167,205.4 [m 2 ].
Renewable Energy, PV, Solar Thermal Energy, Domestic Hot Water, Saving Electricity, CO 2 Reduction.
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
UBT Kampus, Lipjan
Start Date
30-10-2021 12:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2021 12:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Qerimi, Drita, "The calculation of appropriate surfaces for installation of solar thermal collectors and solar panels, case study city of Pristine" (2021). UBT International Conference. 321.
The calculation of appropriate surfaces for installation of solar thermal collectors and solar panels, case study city of Pristine
UBT Kampus, Lipjan
In Kosovo participation of renewable resources is very symbolic, most of the generated electricity produced from fossil fuel, a part of the energy comes from the import. Pristina is ranked among the most polluted sites and this is mainly: by transport, old power plants, and fossil fuel use as a heating fuel for winter seasons. Therefore, the aim of this paper is the use of solar energy knowing that the average sun duration for the city of Pristine is 5.44[h], while the average horizontal irradiation is 3.79[kWh/m²] per day. In this paper, the first step is analyzing and mapping of appropriate surfaces for installation of solar thermal collectors and solar panels. To realize the demand for sanitary hot water for the city of Pristine, need total gross surface area: 186,084.5 [m 2 ], for the number of inhabitants 210,282, was taken the total of residential household in Pristine with around 38,289 units, and the average number of people per house 5 occupants. While to realize the demand for electricity for 38,289 residential household with 5 members, a minimum of 199.1028 [MWp] is required, if we take the panel monocrystalline with 400[Wp], we need a total of 497,757 panels with an area of 981,120.9 [m 2 ]. It means that to realize the demand: for electricity and sanitary hot water, from solar energy, for the city of Pristina requires total gross surface area 1,167,205.4 [m 2 ].