UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Connection of new wind power plant to the electrical power system of Kosovo


Connection of new wind power plant to the electrical power system of Kosovo


Energy Efficiency Engineering


Wind power is undergoing the fastest rate of growth of any form of electricity generation in the world. The resource potential is large; with many countries having wind regimes that could serve as a significant energy source. Ambitious goals for wind power development have been set by many countries.

Wind energy in this time is very important in the field of renewable energy for electrical production. Still, the power generated by wind turbines over time is characteristically uneven due to the unpredictable nature of their primary source of power.

This only increases the problems inherent to the integration of a great number of wind turbines into power networks ( wind-farm operation, etc.) .

The power system of Kosovo is a compact and integrated structure in hierarchical aspect. It plays an important role in the process of transmission and distribution energy to the consumers. Based on this importance analysis is necessary in order to estimate the medium and long term plans of production of electric energy and development of the power generation plants. Object of study in this article is the project for connection of wind power plant to the substation in Gjilani. This article describes the simulations of the power system of Kosovo when the load in the system is maximum 50MW in order to emphasize the importance of the connections of wind power plant in Gjilani substation. Gjilani substation is an important node point with specifics of the power flow distribution. The analysis of the Kosovo electric power system by means of ETAP software and using as a reference the standards applied in Kosovo, the created models aim to justify if the plans for improvement of Kosovo grid are appropriate and what kind of changes in the voltage levels and short circuits values can be expected.


Connection, Wind Power Plant, Voltage profile, Short Circuit t Current, Improvement, Power System, Operation

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Connection of new wind power plant to the electrical power system of Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Wind power is undergoing the fastest rate of growth of any form of electricity generation in the world. The resource potential is large; with many countries having wind regimes that could serve as a significant energy source. Ambitious goals for wind power development have been set by many countries.

Wind energy in this time is very important in the field of renewable energy for electrical production. Still, the power generated by wind turbines over time is characteristically uneven due to the unpredictable nature of their primary source of power.

This only increases the problems inherent to the integration of a great number of wind turbines into power networks ( wind-farm operation, etc.) .

The power system of Kosovo is a compact and integrated structure in hierarchical aspect. It plays an important role in the process of transmission and distribution energy to the consumers. Based on this importance analysis is necessary in order to estimate the medium and long term plans of production of electric energy and development of the power generation plants. Object of study in this article is the project for connection of wind power plant to the substation in Gjilani. This article describes the simulations of the power system of Kosovo when the load in the system is maximum 50MW in order to emphasize the importance of the connections of wind power plant in Gjilani substation. Gjilani substation is an important node point with specifics of the power flow distribution. The analysis of the Kosovo electric power system by means of ETAP software and using as a reference the standards applied in Kosovo, the created models aim to justify if the plans for improvement of Kosovo grid are appropriate and what kind of changes in the voltage levels and short circuits values can be expected.