UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The impact of industries and gastronomy on quality parameters of river Lumbardhi I Pejës



Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


The research work for a period of one month was the aim of presenting the current conditions of the river water in terms of quality analyses specifically in Lumëbardhi of Peja. In Peja, is evident the lack of strict and professional water protection. The aim of this research work was to divide the region in four different areas and to take samples from them and to do comparisons between them. The results of the analysis of the samples taken will present the current state of the river in terms of quality and the possibility of use for irrigation. From the samples taken at certain places along the course of the River, have been analyzed several physico-chemical parameters, macro-pollutants and microbiology parameters.


Water quality, Lumëbardhi river, public health

Session Chair

Fisnik Laha

Session Co-Chair

Lumta Dida

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page


Start Date

30-10-2021 1:15 PM

End Date

30-10-2021 2:45 PM




Oct 30th, 1:15 PM Oct 30th, 2:45 PM

The impact of industries and gastronomy on quality parameters of river Lumbardhi I Pejës

The research work for a period of one month was the aim of presenting the current conditions of the river water in terms of quality analyses specifically in Lumëbardhi of Peja. In Peja, is evident the lack of strict and professional water protection. The aim of this research work was to divide the region in four different areas and to take samples from them and to do comparisons between them. The results of the analysis of the samples taken will present the current state of the river in terms of quality and the possibility of use for irrigation. From the samples taken at certain places along the course of the River, have been analyzed several physico-chemical parameters, macro-pollutants and microbiology parameters.