UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Comparison of physic-chemical parameters of urban and industrial water discharges in the Lumbardh River



Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


The purpose of this project is to assess the dynamics of pollution of the Lumbardh River from urban and industrial discharge water at intervals between April and September 2020. Urban discharge water and especially in the food production industries are one of the main surface water pollutants. The growth of inhabited centers and their industrialization has been associated with increased pollution in aquatic environments, discharge of urban, agricultural, and industrial liquid waste without any prior treatment are the main source of surface water pollution in our country. Rivers today have become collectors of all urban and industrial discharges. Controlling the degree of pollution and identifying the main pollutants that are caused is of particular importance for recognizing the situation and taking measures to protect or rehabilitate aquatic environments, and protect public health. April and September 2020 were taken as points of assessment of the physicochemical event in our work and the location of the source of Lumbardh L1 Prevallë was analyzed, then we have the monitoring point L₂, Sredska and L3, urban, food industrial area, and point L4 in Vlashnje. We have analyzed some physicochemical parameters such as Concentrations of total suspended materials, Chemical need for oxygen, Biochemical need for oxygen, and Total organic carbon. In this project, the evaluation is made of the above-mentioned parameters where it explains that from the results obtained from the analysis which were done at the Hydrometeorological Institute in Prishtina it presents that we have significant pollution of the river Lumbardh in these intervals and especially in September from these pollutants and in our opinion this comes as a result of minimizing surface water inflows.


SDM (Suspended Dissolved Materials), CNO (Chemical Need for Oxygen), NBO5 (Biological Need for Oxygen), TOC (Total Organic Carbon)

Session Chair

Fidan Feka

Session Co-Chair

Smajl Rizani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 3:00 PM

End Date

30-10-2021 4:30 PM




Oct 30th, 3:00 PM Oct 30th, 4:30 PM

Comparison of physic-chemical parameters of urban and industrial water discharges in the Lumbardh River

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The purpose of this project is to assess the dynamics of pollution of the Lumbardh River from urban and industrial discharge water at intervals between April and September 2020. Urban discharge water and especially in the food production industries are one of the main surface water pollutants. The growth of inhabited centers and their industrialization has been associated with increased pollution in aquatic environments, discharge of urban, agricultural, and industrial liquid waste without any prior treatment are the main source of surface water pollution in our country. Rivers today have become collectors of all urban and industrial discharges. Controlling the degree of pollution and identifying the main pollutants that are caused is of particular importance for recognizing the situation and taking measures to protect or rehabilitate aquatic environments, and protect public health. April and September 2020 were taken as points of assessment of the physicochemical event in our work and the location of the source of Lumbardh L1 Prevallë was analyzed, then we have the monitoring point L₂, Sredska and L3, urban, food industrial area, and point L4 in Vlashnje. We have analyzed some physicochemical parameters such as Concentrations of total suspended materials, Chemical need for oxygen, Biochemical need for oxygen, and Total organic carbon. In this project, the evaluation is made of the above-mentioned parameters where it explains that from the results obtained from the analysis which were done at the Hydrometeorological Institute in Prishtina it presents that we have significant pollution of the river Lumbardh in these intervals and especially in September from these pollutants and in our opinion this comes as a result of minimizing surface water inflows.