UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Quality assessment and testing for antibiotic residues in milk in Sharr municipality


Quality assessment and testing for antibiotic residues in milk in Sharr municipality


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


Sharr region is known for the development of the livestock sector, especially in the production of milk from sheep and cows. The aim of the study was to evaluate the main parameters of cow's milk at the 4 collection points (CP) of this region. The estimated parameters were: pH, dry matter, proteins, lactose, fat, density and residue of antibiotics. The highest pH content of 6.81 was found at CP3, the lowest 6.65 at CP2. The highest dry matter value of 9.31% was at CP4, the lowest at 8.87% at CP2 and 3. The lowest protein, lactose and fat content for all samples varied from 3.19%, 4.82% and 3.45% at CP2, the highest content by 3.43%, 5.31% and 3.87% at the CP1. Density values ranged from the lowest 1.029 g / cm3, the highest 1.031 g/cm3. In all samples analyzed no residue of antibiotics in fresh milk was found


milk quality, physico-chemical parameters, residue of antibiotics in milk

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Quality assessment and testing for antibiotic residues in milk in Sharr municipality

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Sharr region is known for the development of the livestock sector, especially in the production of milk from sheep and cows. The aim of the study was to evaluate the main parameters of cow's milk at the 4 collection points (CP) of this region. The estimated parameters were: pH, dry matter, proteins, lactose, fat, density and residue of antibiotics. The highest pH content of 6.81 was found at CP3, the lowest 6.65 at CP2. The highest dry matter value of 9.31% was at CP4, the lowest at 8.87% at CP2 and 3. The lowest protein, lactose and fat content for all samples varied from 3.19%, 4.82% and 3.45% at CP2, the highest content by 3.43%, 5.31% and 3.87% at the CP1. Density values ranged from the lowest 1.029 g / cm3, the highest 1.031 g/cm3. In all samples analyzed no residue of antibiotics in fresh milk was found