UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Effect and of the Cera Carnaubae and Euphorbia Cerifera Cera waxes in the Synthesization of Lipsticks Natural


Effect and of the Cera Carnaubae and Euphorbia Cerifera Cera waxes in the Synthesization of Lipsticks Natural


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


The use of cosmetic products for various reasons dates back a long time ago. From the use of different oils to treat wounds, to the use of naturally pigmented stones to color the eyes and the lips, using cosmetics has been known to humanity for a very long time. Unfortunately, in the last few years with the increase in consumer demand, the number of ingredients in cosmetic products has also increased. From various preservatives to the use of substances containing heavy toxic metals, it is necessary to know what kind of products we expose our body to. This thesis will elaborate in more detail various formulations for Lipsticks based on the use of natural products only. Lipsticks based only on oils and waxes without the addition of various preservatives or harsh chemicals, to increase the shelf life or the properties of the product. Bearing in mind that Oils and Waxes in general have unique properties, and therefore the final products show a lot of similarities with their main ingredients, including the shelf life and the healing properties such as those of the oils that were used in the formulations. Furthermore, this thesis will bring to knowledge the effect of combining different plant and animal based waxes such as Cera Flava (BeesWax), Cera Carnaubae (Carnauba Wax) and Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (Candelilla Wax) in different amounts and formulations, which differ to a considerable degree in their physical and chemical properties. Through a detailed and thorough analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the synthesised Lipsticks such as: the melting point, hardness test, pH value, solubility, stability in different temperatures, shelf life, IR spectra interpretation and TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography), the effect of natural products in the synthesization of the lipsticks will be determined and discussed.


natural lipsticks, waxes, lipids, cosmetics industry.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Effect and of the Cera Carnaubae and Euphorbia Cerifera Cera waxes in the Synthesization of Lipsticks Natural

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The use of cosmetic products for various reasons dates back a long time ago. From the use of different oils to treat wounds, to the use of naturally pigmented stones to color the eyes and the lips, using cosmetics has been known to humanity for a very long time. Unfortunately, in the last few years with the increase in consumer demand, the number of ingredients in cosmetic products has also increased. From various preservatives to the use of substances containing heavy toxic metals, it is necessary to know what kind of products we expose our body to. This thesis will elaborate in more detail various formulations for Lipsticks based on the use of natural products only. Lipsticks based only on oils and waxes without the addition of various preservatives or harsh chemicals, to increase the shelf life or the properties of the product. Bearing in mind that Oils and Waxes in general have unique properties, and therefore the final products show a lot of similarities with their main ingredients, including the shelf life and the healing properties such as those of the oils that were used in the formulations. Furthermore, this thesis will bring to knowledge the effect of combining different plant and animal based waxes such as Cera Flava (BeesWax), Cera Carnaubae (Carnauba Wax) and Euphorbia Cerifera Cera (Candelilla Wax) in different amounts and formulations, which differ to a considerable degree in their physical and chemical properties. Through a detailed and thorough analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the synthesised Lipsticks such as: the melting point, hardness test, pH value, solubility, stability in different temperatures, shelf life, IR spectra interpretation and TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography), the effect of natural products in the synthesization of the lipsticks will be determined and discussed.