UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Role of Information Systems in Facing COVID-19 Pandemic


Role of Information Systems in Facing COVID-19 Pandemic


Information Systems and Security


For about two years the whole globe has been facing a very big challenge like that of COVID-19, which has affected and taken many lives. All countries faced various difficulties and health, social and economic problems, generating problematic that had to be overcome even in those conditions. Facing all the challenges demanded the attention of Policies and International Organizations which had to find quick and effective solutions to enable the continuity of life in all aspects. Under these conditions, the Internet and various Information Systems have played a very important role, which have enabled the continuation of many of the vital processes online, such as contact with doctors, work in different types of businesses, education, tracking the network of contacts from infected people, etc. Various technological innovations and applications have been developed to combat the corona virus pandemic. The pandemic, also, has a great influence on the design, development and use of technologies. Under these conditions it emerged as a need to increase understanding of the roles that information systems and technology researchers would play in this global pandemic. This paper will examine the technologies used to face the threats of COVID-19 and its challenges related to the design, development and use of technology both in terms of mass interpersonal communication and the operation of various platforms and programs that interfered with pandemic processes. Also, the paper will address the new scientific knowledge provided through information technologies, as well as bring suggestions on how information systems and technology researchers can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Given this challenging topicality, researchers in this field aim to research in the future towards the development of information technology to produce innovations and better solutions for dealing with similar global situations.


Information Systems, Technology, Research, Communication, Informatics, COVID-19 Pandemic.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page



UBT Kampus,Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Role of Information Systems in Facing COVID-19 Pandemic

UBT Kampus,Lipjan

For about two years the whole globe has been facing a very big challenge like that of COVID-19, which has affected and taken many lives. All countries faced various difficulties and health, social and economic problems, generating problematic that had to be overcome even in those conditions. Facing all the challenges demanded the attention of Policies and International Organizations which had to find quick and effective solutions to enable the continuity of life in all aspects. Under these conditions, the Internet and various Information Systems have played a very important role, which have enabled the continuation of many of the vital processes online, such as contact with doctors, work in different types of businesses, education, tracking the network of contacts from infected people, etc. Various technological innovations and applications have been developed to combat the corona virus pandemic. The pandemic, also, has a great influence on the design, development and use of technologies. Under these conditions it emerged as a need to increase understanding of the roles that information systems and technology researchers would play in this global pandemic. This paper will examine the technologies used to face the threats of COVID-19 and its challenges related to the design, development and use of technology both in terms of mass interpersonal communication and the operation of various platforms and programs that interfered with pandemic processes. Also, the paper will address the new scientific knowledge provided through information technologies, as well as bring suggestions on how information systems and technology researchers can help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Given this challenging topicality, researchers in this field aim to research in the future towards the development of information technology to produce innovations and better solutions for dealing with similar global situations.