UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Distribution and bio-morphological diversity of oregano plant in some ecological zones in Kosovo


Distribution and bio-morphological diversity of oregano plant in some ecological zones in Kosovo

Presenter Information

Muzafer LumaFollow


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


This study is focused in three zones (Kacanik, Hani Elezit and Istok) spreader at altitudes from 375 to 1001 m over the sea level. Referring to the surveys it is observed that distribution of the plant varies from one area to another. The largest plant coverage is observed in the area of Kacanik with 50-60 %.. Initially, three points in each zone were determined to take samples for measurements and assessment in order to cover the whole width of the possible morphological variation. In each site of the zone were taken three points by 10 plants. For the bio-morphological studied features were performed correlation analysis for 9 couple of traits. This study is very important, because it creates a good basis to start with cultivation of the best oregano plant populations, identified for their bio-morphological and chemical features.


distribution, diversity correlation, analysis, zone.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Distribution and bio-morphological diversity of oregano plant in some ecological zones in Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This study is focused in three zones (Kacanik, Hani Elezit and Istok) spreader at altitudes from 375 to 1001 m over the sea level. Referring to the surveys it is observed that distribution of the plant varies from one area to another. The largest plant coverage is observed in the area of Kacanik with 50-60 %.. Initially, three points in each zone were determined to take samples for measurements and assessment in order to cover the whole width of the possible morphological variation. In each site of the zone were taken three points by 10 plants. For the bio-morphological studied features were performed correlation analysis for 9 couple of traits. This study is very important, because it creates a good basis to start with cultivation of the best oregano plant populations, identified for their bio-morphological and chemical features.