UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The impact of GLOBAL GAP implementation and relation to Kosovo farms


The impact of GLOBAL GAP implementation and relation to Kosovo farms


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


Global GAP, it’s a standard that is related directly with food quality. It has very important linkage with environment protection, consumer protection and labour protection. Certified products with Global GAP, passes through different control and specially those related to pesticide use. The aim of this research study was to assess the extent of changes in management system, workers welfare, production technologies and the potential of selling the products through commercial networks and to foreign markets. Global GAP implementation in Kosovo has started 7 years ago, with very few numbers of certified farms. Today number of farmers/processors certifying with GAP is increasing with high rate, due to the huge potential market for export. Currently there are between 30 individual farmers and processors with (group certification) involved in the certification scheme. This research was conducted in 2021 in territory of Kosova, where farmers are located in different municipalities/villages where 100 farms where studied.

The research results show that for the implementation of the GLOBAL standard G.A.P. in most farms the managerial change of quality has been made. Also to implement the standards it was necessary to change the infrastructure to improve the conditions of workers, the way of storing pesticides and fertilizers. Implementation of GLOBAL G.A.P. has increased the chances for all producers to trade products in foreign markets, especially those of the EU


standard, GLOBAL GAP

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The impact of GLOBAL GAP implementation and relation to Kosovo farms

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Global GAP, it’s a standard that is related directly with food quality. It has very important linkage with environment protection, consumer protection and labour protection. Certified products with Global GAP, passes through different control and specially those related to pesticide use. The aim of this research study was to assess the extent of changes in management system, workers welfare, production technologies and the potential of selling the products through commercial networks and to foreign markets. Global GAP implementation in Kosovo has started 7 years ago, with very few numbers of certified farms. Today number of farmers/processors certifying with GAP is increasing with high rate, due to the huge potential market for export. Currently there are between 30 individual farmers and processors with (group certification) involved in the certification scheme. This research was conducted in 2021 in territory of Kosova, where farmers are located in different municipalities/villages where 100 farms where studied.

The research results show that for the implementation of the GLOBAL standard G.A.P. in most farms the managerial change of quality has been made. Also to implement the standards it was necessary to change the infrastructure to improve the conditions of workers, the way of storing pesticides and fertilizers. Implementation of GLOBAL G.A.P. has increased the chances for all producers to trade products in foreign markets, especially those of the EU