UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Leadership Dimensions and Schools’ Culture Behavior: Basis for a Program Design


Leadership Dimensions and Schools’ Culture Behavior: Basis for a Program Design

Presenter Information



Language and Culture


This study aimed to determine the leadership dimensions practiced by the school heads and the school culture behavior of the schools of Dauin and Zamboanguita Districts , Division of Negros Oriental. Descriptive - correlational method of research was utilized. The respondents of the study are the school heads and teachers of the aforementioned districts. School heads were measured in terms of their leadership dimension. On the part of the teachers, they were assessed the school culture behavior in terms of professional collaboration , affiliative collegiality and self-efficacy / self-determination. To determine the school heads dimension and the school culture behavior , weighted mean ( wx̄ ) was utilized and to measure the degree of relationship between variables chi-square ( x² ) was used. Result of the data revealed that majority of the school heads practiced the transformational leadership dimension at a “Very High” extent. Teachers perceived their schools’ culture behavior in terms of professional collaboration , affiliative collegiality , and self- efficiency to be “High”. Significant relationship was found between the school heads’ leadership dimension and the school culture behavior. School heads profile in terms of age , supervisory experience , educational qualification and relevant trainings is significantly related to the leadership dimension practiced, while sex and marital status were found not significant.


Leadership dimensions, transformational, transactional, schools culture behaviour

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Leadership Dimensions and Schools’ Culture Behavior: Basis for a Program Design

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This study aimed to determine the leadership dimensions practiced by the school heads and the school culture behavior of the schools of Dauin and Zamboanguita Districts , Division of Negros Oriental. Descriptive - correlational method of research was utilized. The respondents of the study are the school heads and teachers of the aforementioned districts. School heads were measured in terms of their leadership dimension. On the part of the teachers, they were assessed the school culture behavior in terms of professional collaboration , affiliative collegiality and self-efficacy / self-determination. To determine the school heads dimension and the school culture behavior , weighted mean ( wx̄ ) was utilized and to measure the degree of relationship between variables chi-square ( x² ) was used. Result of the data revealed that majority of the school heads practiced the transformational leadership dimension at a “Very High” extent. Teachers perceived their schools’ culture behavior in terms of professional collaboration , affiliative collegiality , and self- efficiency to be “High”. Significant relationship was found between the school heads’ leadership dimension and the school culture behavior. School heads profile in terms of age , supervisory experience , educational qualification and relevant trainings is significantly related to the leadership dimension practiced, while sex and marital status were found not significant.