UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Monitoring Water Level in Lake of Badovci, Prishtina with Remote Sensing & GIS


Monitoring Water Level in Lake of Badovci, Prishtina with Remote Sensing & GIS


Computer Science and Communication Engineering


The present degradation of the environment as a consequence of human activities such as wastewater discharge, construction of water conservancy, tourism, mining, fisheries resource etc. is a requirement of monitoring the environment. Information on the current condition and on the dynamic changes in the environment for snappy monitoring is not simple to obtain in most of developing countries such as Kosovo. The present study provides the droughts in artificial lake of the study area, Prishtina. Exactly, the lake of Badovci (Alb: Liqeni i Badovcit). The main aim of the study is to offer a very little known and used alternative in Kosovo to monitor and evaluate changes in water level over the seasons, using WRI and NDWI time series outputs. In the research are used images from satellite Sentinel-2 which uses Visible Light, Near Infrared, and Shortwave Infrared. Taking into consideration these bands I will use WRI and NDWI based on them. According to the present study, the WRI and NDWI generated data and images which gives us valuable pieces of information about water droughts. However, the study demonstrated that the Lake of Badovci had changed from season to season, as a result of human activities and climate change as well. The water drought is visible even with naked eye, but the goal of this research is to have a cleaner image and data about the level and time of drought, also this data may be used to develop a prediction of when droughts typically occur during the seasons, enabling preventative actions against lake deterioration.


water droughts, satellite image, lakes, environmental data, change detection

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Monitoring Water Level in Lake of Badovci, Prishtina with Remote Sensing & GIS

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The present degradation of the environment as a consequence of human activities such as wastewater discharge, construction of water conservancy, tourism, mining, fisheries resource etc. is a requirement of monitoring the environment. Information on the current condition and on the dynamic changes in the environment for snappy monitoring is not simple to obtain in most of developing countries such as Kosovo. The present study provides the droughts in artificial lake of the study area, Prishtina. Exactly, the lake of Badovci (Alb: Liqeni i Badovcit). The main aim of the study is to offer a very little known and used alternative in Kosovo to monitor and evaluate changes in water level over the seasons, using WRI and NDWI time series outputs. In the research are used images from satellite Sentinel-2 which uses Visible Light, Near Infrared, and Shortwave Infrared. Taking into consideration these bands I will use WRI and NDWI based on them. According to the present study, the WRI and NDWI generated data and images which gives us valuable pieces of information about water droughts. However, the study demonstrated that the Lake of Badovci had changed from season to season, as a result of human activities and climate change as well. The water drought is visible even with naked eye, but the goal of this research is to have a cleaner image and data about the level and time of drought, also this data may be used to develop a prediction of when droughts typically occur during the seasons, enabling preventative actions against lake deterioration.