UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Optimization of energy flow in a microgrid application with a photovoltaic electricity supply



Computer Science and Communication Engineering


Microgrids can be powered using wind turbines, generators, batteries, or solar panels. In case of emergency, a microgrid provides backup from the main grid in times of crisis like storms or power outages, also it can be used to reduce the energy consumption from the main grid. This paper presents optimization of a battery schedule in a microgrid application when it is used in a grid-connected mode (connected to the main grid) with a photovoltaic electricity supply, battery and inverter. The data used for the problem formulation include the photovoltaic energy production in 24 hours for 3000 houses of California state with solar panel power output 27 MW, and 32,4 MW, battery capacity with 100MWh, 150MWh, and 200MWh. One objective function with six different scenarios is used to test the problem for minimization of the consumed energy from the main grid in a summer day. The same simulations are performed for a winter day also. The MATLAB solver fmincon from Optimization Toolbox is used for the calculations. The data about the consumption of the houses is taken from nanoHUB platform, and the production results of the solar panels are from GridLab-D tool. The obtained results show that a reduction of energy costs for the end user can be achieved by means of optimal battery schedules, as well as that the energy consumption from the main grid can be minimized. The presented approach is promising and it can be applied successfully to real microgrids.


Microgrids, Energy Scheduling Optimization, Models & Simulation, MATLAB, GridLab-D, nanoHUB.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM




Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Optimization of energy flow in a microgrid application with a photovoltaic electricity supply

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Microgrids can be powered using wind turbines, generators, batteries, or solar panels. In case of emergency, a microgrid provides backup from the main grid in times of crisis like storms or power outages, also it can be used to reduce the energy consumption from the main grid. This paper presents optimization of a battery schedule in a microgrid application when it is used in a grid-connected mode (connected to the main grid) with a photovoltaic electricity supply, battery and inverter. The data used for the problem formulation include the photovoltaic energy production in 24 hours for 3000 houses of California state with solar panel power output 27 MW, and 32,4 MW, battery capacity with 100MWh, 150MWh, and 200MWh. One objective function with six different scenarios is used to test the problem for minimization of the consumed energy from the main grid in a summer day. The same simulations are performed for a winter day also. The MATLAB solver fmincon from Optimization Toolbox is used for the calculations. The data about the consumption of the houses is taken from nanoHUB platform, and the production results of the solar panels are from GridLab-D tool. The obtained results show that a reduction of energy costs for the end user can be achieved by means of optimal battery schedules, as well as that the energy consumption from the main grid can be minimized. The presented approach is promising and it can be applied successfully to real microgrids.