UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: THE REGIONAL DIVISION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOV




Information Systems and Security


The regional division of the Republic of Kosovo according to geospatial, functional and socio-economic criteria has been and remains an unceasing effort of many authorities and researchers with the last ones working upon the clarification of the essential definition based on the essential elements of its differentiation. Differentiation of elements as a complex category analyzes the natural landscape which constitutes the fundamental basis of space in the transformation of which socio-economic activities determine the degree and dynamics of development. Kosovo is located between 297 m above sea level (Vermica) and 2565 m above sea level (Gjeravica), and is surrounded by high and medium mountains in its peripheral parts. On the other side, in the inner parts of the country, field areas lie in the North-South direction, and in the center there are low mountains which create morphological diversity with elements of the natural landscape which are considered only as a representative indicator, but are decisive in its regional differentiation. Non-compliance with spatial criteria in regional differentiation has created problems in the process of its spatial and functional organization. As a consequence, the regional division of this space has been done according to statistical, administrative and political criteria, but with only few elements of relief factors. This paper aims on assisting local and central authorities in building the concept of regional division by respecting the morphological elements and ensuring a balanced distribution of socio-economic developments. The advantages of studying the geographical region are not limited to the inventory of geographical phenomena and processes, they also extend to determining the equilibrium, statistics, dynamics, complexity, functionality, parallelism, and aesthetics of the region.


Region, Differentiation, Functionality, Spatial, Processes.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus,Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM


UBT Kampus,Lipjan

The regional division of the Republic of Kosovo according to geospatial, functional and socio-economic criteria has been and remains an unceasing effort of many authorities and researchers with the last ones working upon the clarification of the essential definition based on the essential elements of its differentiation. Differentiation of elements as a complex category analyzes the natural landscape which constitutes the fundamental basis of space in the transformation of which socio-economic activities determine the degree and dynamics of development. Kosovo is located between 297 m above sea level (Vermica) and 2565 m above sea level (Gjeravica), and is surrounded by high and medium mountains in its peripheral parts. On the other side, in the inner parts of the country, field areas lie in the North-South direction, and in the center there are low mountains which create morphological diversity with elements of the natural landscape which are considered only as a representative indicator, but are decisive in its regional differentiation. Non-compliance with spatial criteria in regional differentiation has created problems in the process of its spatial and functional organization. As a consequence, the regional division of this space has been done according to statistical, administrative and political criteria, but with only few elements of relief factors. This paper aims on assisting local and central authorities in building the concept of regional division by respecting the morphological elements and ensuring a balanced distribution of socio-economic developments. The advantages of studying the geographical region are not limited to the inventory of geographical phenomena and processes, they also extend to determining the equilibrium, statistics, dynamics, complexity, functionality, parallelism, and aesthetics of the region.