UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Multi-media Utilization in Teaching-Learning Process


Multi-media Utilization in Teaching-Learning Process

Presenter Information

Nathalie Jane I. Duya


Education and Development


This study aimed to determine the utilization of multi-media in teaching learning process in Manalongon Nicolas N. Lajot Central School, Sta. Catalina District I, involving 95 respondents of 46 male and 49 female, using the whole population of Grade V during the SY 2017-2018. This study is a descriptive design as the main data gathering instrument. The modified questionnaire was based on the questionnaire of Demetrio Catid. Since this was a modified questionnaire, the trial run was conducted in Mabuhay Elementary School, to find out the internal reliability and consistency of the items the researcher used cronbach alpha. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part one was the respondent’s demographic profile and part two was the areas of multi-media utilization in teaching-learning process. The study utilized the frequency distribution, percentage, weighted mean and composite mean for the statistical treatment. Findings revealed the following: The composite mean obtained in the following areas were: learner’s motivation 3.56 (Very Helpful), learner’s cognition 3.49 (Very Helpful), learner’s interaction 3.44 (Very Helpful), the learner’s engagement 3.22 (Very Helpful). Recommendations included the following: that the teachers must be computer literate; that multimedia be used frequently in teaching to encourage learners to be active in the class, that the school must have enough computer units and a skilled personnel to maintain and secure the technological devices prey from vandals.performance.


Multi-media, Utilization, Teaching-Learning Process, Philippines

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Multi-media Utilization in Teaching-Learning Process

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This study aimed to determine the utilization of multi-media in teaching learning process in Manalongon Nicolas N. Lajot Central School, Sta. Catalina District I, involving 95 respondents of 46 male and 49 female, using the whole population of Grade V during the SY 2017-2018. This study is a descriptive design as the main data gathering instrument. The modified questionnaire was based on the questionnaire of Demetrio Catid. Since this was a modified questionnaire, the trial run was conducted in Mabuhay Elementary School, to find out the internal reliability and consistency of the items the researcher used cronbach alpha. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part one was the respondent’s demographic profile and part two was the areas of multi-media utilization in teaching-learning process. The study utilized the frequency distribution, percentage, weighted mean and composite mean for the statistical treatment. Findings revealed the following: The composite mean obtained in the following areas were: learner’s motivation 3.56 (Very Helpful), learner’s cognition 3.49 (Very Helpful), learner’s interaction 3.44 (Very Helpful), the learner’s engagement 3.22 (Very Helpful). Recommendations included the following: that the teachers must be computer literate; that multimedia be used frequently in teaching to encourage learners to be active in the class, that the school must have enough computer units and a skilled personnel to maintain and secure the technological devices prey from vandals.performance.