UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: COLOR SCHEMES IN LANDSCAPE DESIGN: COLOR THEORY





Color has a basic appeal to humans and can be used by landscapers to evoke powerful emotional responses. Color may not be the most important consideration in an overall landscape, but it has a powerful visual effect and should be considered carefully for best results. Color theory in design is based on the color wheel, a standard circular illustration that shows the relationship between all the various colors of the spectrum. The Munsell color-order system is an American classifying system that is used as a standard for color notation in artistic, commercial, scientific and educational work. The Mansell system defines a color in terms of three qualities or attributes: hue, value and Chroma. Hue is the name for the attribute of color that defines its position on the spectrum, such as red, yellow or green. The second attribute of color is value, sometimes called brightness, lightness or luminosity. Location of this study was in Prishtina, S=1000 m2. For landscape design, the following design programs have been used: Lumion, Landscape design. Monochromatic color schemes use various values and degrees of saturation of a single hue.


Landscape, color theory, Munsell color system, color schemes.

Session Chair

Lulzim Beqiri

Session Co-Chair

Mimoza Sylejmani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosove

Start Date

30-10-2021 9:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 10:30 AM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 30th, 9:00 AM Oct 30th, 10:30 AM


Lipjan, Kosove

Color has a basic appeal to humans and can be used by landscapers to evoke powerful emotional responses. Color may not be the most important consideration in an overall landscape, but it has a powerful visual effect and should be considered carefully for best results. Color theory in design is based on the color wheel, a standard circular illustration that shows the relationship between all the various colors of the spectrum. The Munsell color-order system is an American classifying system that is used as a standard for color notation in artistic, commercial, scientific and educational work. The Mansell system defines a color in terms of three qualities or attributes: hue, value and Chroma. Hue is the name for the attribute of color that defines its position on the spectrum, such as red, yellow or green. The second attribute of color is value, sometimes called brightness, lightness or luminosity. Location of this study was in Prishtina, S=1000 m2. For landscape design, the following design programs have been used: Lumion, Landscape design. Monochromatic color schemes use various values and degrees of saturation of a single hue.