UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Entrepreneurship as a contemporary process: Leadership - Innovation – Change


Entrepreneurship as a contemporary process: Leadership - Innovation – Change


Management, Business and Economics


Change management is a key issue for the survival and realization of organizational objectives in today's business environment, which is changing in different ways. Change has become a necessary constant for companies that need to change in order to remain competitive in the market. The ability to manage this change is seen as a basic skill of successful enterprises in contemporary entrepreneurship. These changes are undoubtedly manifested both locally and internationally. Economic globalization as an integrator has caused these two levels to merge into one, causing the difference between them to fade. This integration has been very intense lately.

Leadership as the process by which an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal. Process means systematic and continuous actions and ways by which the leader influences subordinates. It should be noted that leadership is not a linear process but an interactive process and requires adaptation and innovation. Entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries but also in developed countries in the contemporary era is influencing in all aspects of business development.

This research for Kosovo condition confirms the following results: that the change process is an integral and necessary part of day-to-day management in these enterprises, identifying leadership challenges in implementing the change process and adapting enterprises to the contemporary environment continues to be vital to performance profitability and competitiveness. Answering research questions requires testing the relationships between variables (type of change, process factors, and success of the change). Testing of these connections is enabled using quantitative methods. As a result, the use of questionnaires as a method for data collection in this paper enables: research and analysis of possible relationships between the variables taken in the study, and tends to 'open' issues that will be of interest to be explored in the future.

These leadership activities, adapting the efforts to maximize the existing opportunities in the environment of strong competition and following the contemporary development trends in the enterprise have been researched during the processes of change in the enterprise are: creating a strong leadership team to lead the processes, develop a vision to assist and guide efforts to achieve strategic objectives, designing and communicating the strategy to achieve the planned results, providing training and career development for employees to understand, reduce resistance and motivate to achieve the mission and vision of the enterprise.


changes, contemporary management, entrepreneurship, innovation.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Entrepreneurship as a contemporary process: Leadership - Innovation – Change

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Change management is a key issue for the survival and realization of organizational objectives in today's business environment, which is changing in different ways. Change has become a necessary constant for companies that need to change in order to remain competitive in the market. The ability to manage this change is seen as a basic skill of successful enterprises in contemporary entrepreneurship. These changes are undoubtedly manifested both locally and internationally. Economic globalization as an integrator has caused these two levels to merge into one, causing the difference between them to fade. This integration has been very intense lately.

Leadership as the process by which an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal. Process means systematic and continuous actions and ways by which the leader influences subordinates. It should be noted that leadership is not a linear process but an interactive process and requires adaptation and innovation. Entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries but also in developed countries in the contemporary era is influencing in all aspects of business development.

This research for Kosovo condition confirms the following results: that the change process is an integral and necessary part of day-to-day management in these enterprises, identifying leadership challenges in implementing the change process and adapting enterprises to the contemporary environment continues to be vital to performance profitability and competitiveness. Answering research questions requires testing the relationships between variables (type of change, process factors, and success of the change). Testing of these connections is enabled using quantitative methods. As a result, the use of questionnaires as a method for data collection in this paper enables: research and analysis of possible relationships between the variables taken in the study, and tends to 'open' issues that will be of interest to be explored in the future.

These leadership activities, adapting the efforts to maximize the existing opportunities in the environment of strong competition and following the contemporary development trends in the enterprise have been researched during the processes of change in the enterprise are: creating a strong leadership team to lead the processes, develop a vision to assist and guide efforts to achieve strategic objectives, designing and communicating the strategy to achieve the planned results, providing training and career development for employees to understand, reduce resistance and motivate to achieve the mission and vision of the enterprise.