UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Role of Senior Management In The Integration of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Activities


The Role of Senior Management In The Integration of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Activities


Management, Business and Economics


This paper is intended to display the the role of senior management in the integration of entrepreneurship and innovation activities of SME sector in Kosovo and their impact on firm’s growth. In Kosovo through the years especially in the last ones, SMEs have had multiple barriers to doing business. Some of the most serious barriers that have contributed more to SMEs are in the area of management issues having in mind that about 60% are in same time owners and managers. Achieving Entrepreneurship and innovation capability and capacity imposes challenges for managers and executives of enterprises in general. Based on this result the innovation has emerged as a proper and important additional function for the enterprise and management. Businesses that want to maintain or enter in new markets must apply innovation have faced various barriers especially financial ones which have negatively impacted their development with particular emphasis on the time of the pandemic.

Innovation infrastructure in Kosovo generally lacks equipment and human resources for research and development, following over the years, neglect of research activities in Kosovo. Institutions have been established to support technology and innovation, mainly oriented towards providing education and advisory services to entrepreneurs. However, their performance and the effects of their work remain unknown, due to the lack of performance reviews and audits. Other challenges that are hindering the development of SMEs include the relatively high level of informal economy, unskilled labour force, lack of access to finance, low labour force participation rates (especially young people and women) and relatively high levels of the presumption of corruption. Kosovo's economy in the last decade has marked a positive rate of economic growth, despite the challenges caused by fluctuations in the global economy, especially in the European one, and has grown steadily above the average of the Western Balkan countries.

In order to increase the value of this paper, we conducted a research mainly through an online questionnaire distributed in the main regions of Kosovo. The survey were realised through google form mainly due to isolation as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. Out of the total of 337 respondents, 25.55% were women or female managers, which indicate an increase in this structure, especially in the last 10 years.

According to the SPSS statistical analysis, the level of manager's education, the position in Enterprise and firm’s ownership has had significance with the Innovation in generally respectively a number of new products introduced in the market during the last three years


entrepreneurship, innovation, management, SMEs, growth.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

The Role of Senior Management In The Integration of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Activities

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This paper is intended to display the the role of senior management in the integration of entrepreneurship and innovation activities of SME sector in Kosovo and their impact on firm’s growth. In Kosovo through the years especially in the last ones, SMEs have had multiple barriers to doing business. Some of the most serious barriers that have contributed more to SMEs are in the area of management issues having in mind that about 60% are in same time owners and managers. Achieving Entrepreneurship and innovation capability and capacity imposes challenges for managers and executives of enterprises in general. Based on this result the innovation has emerged as a proper and important additional function for the enterprise and management. Businesses that want to maintain or enter in new markets must apply innovation have faced various barriers especially financial ones which have negatively impacted their development with particular emphasis on the time of the pandemic.

Innovation infrastructure in Kosovo generally lacks equipment and human resources for research and development, following over the years, neglect of research activities in Kosovo. Institutions have been established to support technology and innovation, mainly oriented towards providing education and advisory services to entrepreneurs. However, their performance and the effects of their work remain unknown, due to the lack of performance reviews and audits. Other challenges that are hindering the development of SMEs include the relatively high level of informal economy, unskilled labour force, lack of access to finance, low labour force participation rates (especially young people and women) and relatively high levels of the presumption of corruption. Kosovo's economy in the last decade has marked a positive rate of economic growth, despite the challenges caused by fluctuations in the global economy, especially in the European one, and has grown steadily above the average of the Western Balkan countries.

In order to increase the value of this paper, we conducted a research mainly through an online questionnaire distributed in the main regions of Kosovo. The survey were realised through google form mainly due to isolation as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. Out of the total of 337 respondents, 25.55% were women or female managers, which indicate an increase in this structure, especially in the last 10 years.

According to the SPSS statistical analysis, the level of manager's education, the position in Enterprise and firm’s ownership has had significance with the Innovation in generally respectively a number of new products introduced in the market during the last three years