UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: An investigation on the acoustics of the existing halls used for music performance in Kosovo


An investigation on the acoustics of the existing halls used for music performance in Kosovo


Modern Music, Digital Production and Management


Music performance of course needs special attention and special requirements. On the one hand musicians spend long time rehearsing for the performance and need the right conditions in order to have efficient rehearsal. On the other hand listeners of the music performance have their expectations as well, and require good conditions in order to enjoy the music performance properly. One aspect of these special conditions for a music performance is of course room acoustics. Since good room acoustics for music performance is not something easily achieved, usually there are specially designed halls for music performance in order to provide the right conditions including right room acoustics. In the absence of designed hall for music performance, Kosovo currently uses various theatres and other existing non-specific halls when a music performance is needed. The acoustic quality of the existing halls in use has been investigated through a questionnaire. Musicians who have performed in targeted halls were chosen for subjects in this subjective evaluation. Furthermore basic acoustic data for these halls are estimated using the diffuse field method. The paper compares and discusses the results of the subjective evaluation and the diffuse field method.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page



UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

An investigation on the acoustics of the existing halls used for music performance in Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Music performance of course needs special attention and special requirements. On the one hand musicians spend long time rehearsing for the performance and need the right conditions in order to have efficient rehearsal. On the other hand listeners of the music performance have their expectations as well, and require good conditions in order to enjoy the music performance properly. One aspect of these special conditions for a music performance is of course room acoustics. Since good room acoustics for music performance is not something easily achieved, usually there are specially designed halls for music performance in order to provide the right conditions including right room acoustics. In the absence of designed hall for music performance, Kosovo currently uses various theatres and other existing non-specific halls when a music performance is needed. The acoustic quality of the existing halls in use has been investigated through a questionnaire. Musicians who have performed in targeted halls were chosen for subjects in this subjective evaluation. Furthermore basic acoustic data for these halls are estimated using the diffuse field method. The paper compares and discusses the results of the subjective evaluation and the diffuse field method.