UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Constructing Collective Memories Through Spatial Transformations – the Case of Macedonia Square





dentity is the distinguishing element that differentiates and forms nature, the environment, and places. In the discipline of architecture and urban planning with identity, is understood the product that makes a place unique or what makes the spirit of the place. Skopje is one of the city living changes and metamorphosis courses. The city has undergone significant urban transformations through the communism seal, Kenzo Tange’s post-earthquake master plan, and the 21century changing project of “Skopje 2014”. This paper aims to explore identity and collective memory in an architectural and urban context and the changes made in the urban forms. By using observations and specialized literature, this study aims to investigate the recent two major changes in the city of Skopje. Thus to summarize, the start of the physical changes and social trauma will be defined and its role in the loss of identity and the effect on the urban environment.


Identity, Spatial transformation, Macedonia square, Collective memory

Session Chair

Binak Beqaj

Session Co-Chair

Elvida Pallaska

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosove

Start Date

30-10-2021 10:45 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:15 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 30th, 10:45 AM Oct 30th, 12:15 PM

Constructing Collective Memories Through Spatial Transformations – the Case of Macedonia Square

Lipjan, Kosove

dentity is the distinguishing element that differentiates and forms nature, the environment, and places. In the discipline of architecture and urban planning with identity, is understood the product that makes a place unique or what makes the spirit of the place. Skopje is one of the city living changes and metamorphosis courses. The city has undergone significant urban transformations through the communism seal, Kenzo Tange’s post-earthquake master plan, and the 21century changing project of “Skopje 2014”. This paper aims to explore identity and collective memory in an architectural and urban context and the changes made in the urban forms. By using observations and specialized literature, this study aims to investigate the recent two major changes in the city of Skopje. Thus to summarize, the start of the physical changes and social trauma will be defined and its role in the loss of identity and the effect on the urban environment.