UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Serbia’s action in Kosovo through espionage


Serbia’s action in Kosovo through espionage


Security Studies


Same as in the past Serbia is not excluding the possibility of acting in Kosovo through its elements of espionage. The presence of the state of Serbia in Kosovo, through the espionage actions has an old tradition with its base of cultivating ethnic or national hate, race and religious hate against the Albanian population of Kosovo, like in the former Serbo-Croation-Slav kingdom, in the former communist Yugoslavia, and in the pluralist system after the 90s. This hostile approach is being developed today through ideological, political, military, and police transmission against Kosovo. The last act of Serbia, the military airplanes and helicopters fly near the border with Kosovo, after the decision of the Government of Kosovo for setting the reciprocity measure for the all vehicles with registration plates from Serbia, makes more intriguing our scientific analysis. The issue is that beside this approach, Serbia through the element of espionage can create conditions for destabilizing the Northern part of Kosovo, and there is a chance to do the same in the other places in Kosovo. This is why, in our scientific analysis we will try to explain on one hand where Kosovo is with its legal infrastructure for counterintelligence, and on the other hand are the professional resources sufficient to deconspirate the Serbian espionage in Kosovo. Among other things, our main purpose of our analysis is to give light in which field of the social life, and in which actions of the active political exponents, without mentioning names, can be present the Serbian element of espionage in Kosovo. In this case, we cannot forget the fact that the espionage act, like any other country, in Kosovo is counted as illegal, as well.


Espionage, Counterintelligence, Serbian element, etc.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Serbia’s action in Kosovo through espionage

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Same as in the past Serbia is not excluding the possibility of acting in Kosovo through its elements of espionage. The presence of the state of Serbia in Kosovo, through the espionage actions has an old tradition with its base of cultivating ethnic or national hate, race and religious hate against the Albanian population of Kosovo, like in the former Serbo-Croation-Slav kingdom, in the former communist Yugoslavia, and in the pluralist system after the 90s. This hostile approach is being developed today through ideological, political, military, and police transmission against Kosovo. The last act of Serbia, the military airplanes and helicopters fly near the border with Kosovo, after the decision of the Government of Kosovo for setting the reciprocity measure for the all vehicles with registration plates from Serbia, makes more intriguing our scientific analysis. The issue is that beside this approach, Serbia through the element of espionage can create conditions for destabilizing the Northern part of Kosovo, and there is a chance to do the same in the other places in Kosovo. This is why, in our scientific analysis we will try to explain on one hand where Kosovo is with its legal infrastructure for counterintelligence, and on the other hand are the professional resources sufficient to deconspirate the Serbian espionage in Kosovo. Among other things, our main purpose of our analysis is to give light in which field of the social life, and in which actions of the active political exponents, without mentioning names, can be present the Serbian element of espionage in Kosovo. In this case, we cannot forget the fact that the espionage act, like any other country, in Kosovo is counted as illegal, as well.