UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: LEGAL REGULATION OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES






This paper reflects the aspect of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies. Undoubtedly, the revolution in information technology has also been reflected in finance through efforts consisting of creating an entire industry that aims to surpass traditional finance and include cryptocurrencies as a pandemonium of traditional financial instruments. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are usually not issued by any central authority, making them theoretically immune from government interference or manipulation. The future of cryptocurrencies is still uncertain. Debates in scientific and business circles take place between skeptics who see the cryptocurrencies as speculative financial instruments and optimists who see such future of financial transactions as a viable solution. Today, Bitcoin is an integral part of debates in global financial circles. Many institutional investors are increasingly interested in investing in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. There are serious speculations that a digital cryptocurrency like Bitcoin could replace gold as a safe haven. Skeptics like to point out that the volatility of bitcoin makes this impossible.

All these attitudes regarding the future of cryptocurrencies should be observed from a very important aspect, and that their legal regulation. Therefore, this paper we will try to present the comparative aspects of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies in various legislations globally.


Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, block chains, legal aspects, money laundering.




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM


UBT Kampus, Lipjan

This paper reflects the aspect of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies. Undoubtedly, the revolution in information technology has also been reflected in finance through efforts consisting of creating an entire industry that aims to surpass traditional finance and include cryptocurrencies as a pandemonium of traditional financial instruments. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are usually not issued by any central authority, making them theoretically immune from government interference or manipulation. The future of cryptocurrencies is still uncertain. Debates in scientific and business circles take place between skeptics who see the cryptocurrencies as speculative financial instruments and optimists who see such future of financial transactions as a viable solution. Today, Bitcoin is an integral part of debates in global financial circles. Many institutional investors are increasingly interested in investing in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. There are serious speculations that a digital cryptocurrency like Bitcoin could replace gold as a safe haven. Skeptics like to point out that the volatility of bitcoin makes this impossible.

All these attitudes regarding the future of cryptocurrencies should be observed from a very important aspect, and that their legal regulation. Therefore, this paper we will try to present the comparative aspects of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies in various legislations globally.