UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Ownership Role of Intellectual Property in Kosovo


Ownership Role of Intellectual Property in Kosovo




For about two decades in the Republic of Kosovo, attention has been paid to Intellectual Property, which is developing to a newer and more modern stage, according to European and International Intellectual Property Law and its rights. Even Kosovo based on the SAA criteria and integration process is developing in many dimensions of this area of law, which has drafted a series of laws and bylaws that guarantee the rights of IP in Kosovo and their protection. Also, in their support, State Institutional Structures have been created which legitimize and protect the Intellectual Property and scientific creativity of Kosovo. Another point of view during this research will bring the property role that IP currently has in Kosovo, as well as the perspectives that this field has in the future. Under the influence of innovations in this field of law and in cooperation with the law enforcement structures of Kosovo, the property worldview of IP is increasing day by day and also the society is becoming aware of its property values. Referring to the relations that the business world in Kosovo creates legitimacy and protection of Intellectual Property easily is distinguished that this type of ownership it’s often treated as a property guarantee in various civil trial proceedings by the Kosovo Judiciary. Another aspect of great interest is the internationalized property-IP ratio, which serves as an indicator of the development and impact on Kosovo's import-export trade exchanges where the ownership role and protection of IP rights are a much greater support for Kosovo's international business, as well as a guarantee for its economic development. Like other movable and immovable properties in Kosovo, Intellectual Property has its impact and every day more and more gets the attention of the community in assessing its property, but also the respect of rights against foreign creations that find commercial and vital use in Kosovo.


Intellectual Property, Ownership, Property Role, Legal Basis, Institutions.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Ownership Role of Intellectual Property in Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

For about two decades in the Republic of Kosovo, attention has been paid to Intellectual Property, which is developing to a newer and more modern stage, according to European and International Intellectual Property Law and its rights. Even Kosovo based on the SAA criteria and integration process is developing in many dimensions of this area of law, which has drafted a series of laws and bylaws that guarantee the rights of IP in Kosovo and their protection. Also, in their support, State Institutional Structures have been created which legitimize and protect the Intellectual Property and scientific creativity of Kosovo. Another point of view during this research will bring the property role that IP currently has in Kosovo, as well as the perspectives that this field has in the future. Under the influence of innovations in this field of law and in cooperation with the law enforcement structures of Kosovo, the property worldview of IP is increasing day by day and also the society is becoming aware of its property values. Referring to the relations that the business world in Kosovo creates legitimacy and protection of Intellectual Property easily is distinguished that this type of ownership it’s often treated as a property guarantee in various civil trial proceedings by the Kosovo Judiciary. Another aspect of great interest is the internationalized property-IP ratio, which serves as an indicator of the development and impact on Kosovo's import-export trade exchanges where the ownership role and protection of IP rights are a much greater support for Kosovo's international business, as well as a guarantee for its economic development. Like other movable and immovable properties in Kosovo, Intellectual Property has its impact and every day more and more gets the attention of the community in assessing its property, but also the respect of rights against foreign creations that find commercial and vital use in Kosovo.