UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Social care, welfare, rights and security of citizens in Kosovo


Social care, welfare, rights and security of citizens in Kosovo




The harmonization of Kosovo legislation with the international one regulates the institutional life and security of the citizens in Kosovo. To this end, the country's legislature in coordination with the executive and judiciary supported by international and local associations aim to meet the shortcomings of normal life and conditions for all social categories. Institutional control and the contribution of the media in the emergence of deviant phenomena makes the institutions not calm down in the face of legal obligations for the needs of citizens. The commitment to find modalities for meeting the demands of the citizens makes the line ministries in coordination with the relevant municipal directorates closer to the citizen for a dignified life. In addition to socio-economic well-being, general security is a primary obligation for local institutions which in cooperation with citizens are considered the key to the success of a democratic society. Freedom of personality strengthens the freedom of the collectivity, while informing about the flows of socio-economic change is mandatory, while public and commercial media in addition to the social ones contribute to the common good. The better the cooperation between institutions and citizens, this is the argument of a democratic society, where elected people consider themselves not privileged, but servants of the citizens.


Institutions, media, social change, citizens, welfare.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Social care, welfare, rights and security of citizens in Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

The harmonization of Kosovo legislation with the international one regulates the institutional life and security of the citizens in Kosovo. To this end, the country's legislature in coordination with the executive and judiciary supported by international and local associations aim to meet the shortcomings of normal life and conditions for all social categories. Institutional control and the contribution of the media in the emergence of deviant phenomena makes the institutions not calm down in the face of legal obligations for the needs of citizens. The commitment to find modalities for meeting the demands of the citizens makes the line ministries in coordination with the relevant municipal directorates closer to the citizen for a dignified life. In addition to socio-economic well-being, general security is a primary obligation for local institutions which in cooperation with citizens are considered the key to the success of a democratic society. Freedom of personality strengthens the freedom of the collectivity, while informing about the flows of socio-economic change is mandatory, while public and commercial media in addition to the social ones contribute to the common good. The better the cooperation between institutions and citizens, this is the argument of a democratic society, where elected people consider themselves not privileged, but servants of the citizens.