UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Analysis of the DNA fragmentation in the ejaculate of infertile male in the Dukagjini Region in the Republic of Kosovo


Analysis of the DNA fragmentation in the ejaculate of infertile male in the Dukagjini Region in the Republic of Kosovo

Presenter Information

Afrim Zeqiraj
Zafer Gashi
Shkelzen Elezaj


Medicine and Nursing


One of the main factors affecting male infertility is the presence of abnormal sperm or fragmented DNA in the ejaculate of males. Male infertility is a heterogeneous group of disorders, known causes account for only 30-50%, and unknown (idiopathic) causes are the rest. Male infertility includes nearly 15% of couples at the age of reproduction. Halosperm / Halotech DNA is a diagnostic tool that allows fragmented DNA analysis in a quick, easy way without the need for complex laboratory equipment. Purpose of the Thesis: The purpose of this PhD work was to analyze the percentage of fragmented DNA in sperm. Material and Methods: Sampling was performed by 257 patients (169 patients per study group and 88 patients per control group). Patients with normospermia have been taken for the control group, while patients with asthenospermia, oligospermia and oligoasthenospermia have been treated for the working group. The statistical processing of the data is done with the statistical package SPSS 22.0. The difference is significant if P <0.05. Outcomes: Study group patients had high levels of DNA fragmentation in sperm compared to control group patients with significant statistical significance (Mann-Whitney test, U '= 14543, P <0.0001). Conclusions: We can conclude that the results of DNA fragmentation in the sperm are encouraging and can be used for diagnostic purposes in determining male infertility. Such an assessment of DNA damage to the sperm may serve clinician doctors to help spouses with infertility problems in the selection of IVF / ICSI assisted medical support technique. It is recommended that such an analysis of DNA fragmentation determination in the sperm becomes part of the clinical trials of andrology laboratories.


Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF), infertility, IVF / ICSI.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2021 12:00 AM



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Oct 30th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Analysis of the DNA fragmentation in the ejaculate of infertile male in the Dukagjini Region in the Republic of Kosovo

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

One of the main factors affecting male infertility is the presence of abnormal sperm or fragmented DNA in the ejaculate of males. Male infertility is a heterogeneous group of disorders, known causes account for only 30-50%, and unknown (idiopathic) causes are the rest. Male infertility includes nearly 15% of couples at the age of reproduction. Halosperm / Halotech DNA is a diagnostic tool that allows fragmented DNA analysis in a quick, easy way without the need for complex laboratory equipment. Purpose of the Thesis: The purpose of this PhD work was to analyze the percentage of fragmented DNA in sperm. Material and Methods: Sampling was performed by 257 patients (169 patients per study group and 88 patients per control group). Patients with normospermia have been taken for the control group, while patients with asthenospermia, oligospermia and oligoasthenospermia have been treated for the working group. The statistical processing of the data is done with the statistical package SPSS 22.0. The difference is significant if P <0.05. Outcomes: Study group patients had high levels of DNA fragmentation in sperm compared to control group patients with significant statistical significance (Mann-Whitney test, U '= 14543, P <0.0001). Conclusions: We can conclude that the results of DNA fragmentation in the sperm are encouraging and can be used for diagnostic purposes in determining male infertility. Such an assessment of DNA damage to the sperm may serve clinician doctors to help spouses with infertility problems in the selection of IVF / ICSI assisted medical support technique. It is recommended that such an analysis of DNA fragmentation determination in the sperm becomes part of the clinical trials of andrology laboratories.