Challenges, Stability and reliability of the energy network after the continuous addition of renewable energy sources


Energy Efficiency Engineering


Energy from non-renewable sources such as coal, oil, natural gas make up the largest part of the energy obtained. How can grid stability issues be resolved with renewable energy sources? Energy from renewable sources, managing the stability of the electricity grid in changing forms of energy: Ensuring a stable and reliable grid. Across the globe, power grid operators and power producers face new and growing challenges to meet growing demands with reliable energy. The problems faced by operators come from a number of directions, including market liberalization, the variety of decarbonized, distributed and digitized energy production. Stretching existing network infrastructure has two adverse effects, detrimental to network performance. The first is that by overloading existing transmission lines, thermal overloads can occur. There is an increasing number of cases where the frequency and voltage approach or even exceed the permitted limits. Challenges and integration technologies for renewable energies in the grid. Here will also be addressed what are the problems of the stability of the network with renewable energy sources and their solution.


Non-renewable resources, Sustainable grid, Stability, Frequency, Voltage, Market liberalization

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

29-10-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2022 12:00 AM



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Oct 29th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Challenges, Stability and reliability of the energy network after the continuous addition of renewable energy sources

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Energy from non-renewable sources such as coal, oil, natural gas make up the largest part of the energy obtained. How can grid stability issues be resolved with renewable energy sources? Energy from renewable sources, managing the stability of the electricity grid in changing forms of energy: Ensuring a stable and reliable grid. Across the globe, power grid operators and power producers face new and growing challenges to meet growing demands with reliable energy. The problems faced by operators come from a number of directions, including market liberalization, the variety of decarbonized, distributed and digitized energy production. Stretching existing network infrastructure has two adverse effects, detrimental to network performance. The first is that by overloading existing transmission lines, thermal overloads can occur. There is an increasing number of cases where the frequency and voltage approach or even exceed the permitted limits. Challenges and integration technologies for renewable energies in the grid. Here will also be addressed what are the problems of the stability of the network with renewable energy sources and their solution.