Cow's milk anaphylaxis in breast-fed infants


Medicine and Nursing


Background: Cow’s milk proteins holds the third place in frequency as a cause of food allergy during infancy, after eggs and fish. Although, it’s not the most frequent cause of food allergy,

the cow’s milk, is the first foreign food with which the infant comes into contact, after breast feeding or from the first day of life when the breastfeeding is not possible.

Case presentation: An 8 months old infant with history of wheezy bronchitis/asthma has developed three times. severe anaphylactic reactions. Two times after ingesting a formula containing casein hydrolysate which caused anaphylaxis with ED admissions in regional hospital and the third time anaphylactic reaction occurred after breastfeeding when an infant was referred to higher health institution for diagnoses and treatment.

The fact that anaphylaxis occurred after breastfeeding misled physicians toward accurate diagnosis and the infant was exposed to unnecessary diagnostic procedures.

Conclusion: The reported case is important in demonstrating that allergy/anaphylaxis to cow's milk protein can also occur in breastfed children. It also, emphasizes the need to take this allergic phenomenon into account during diagnostic workup.


allergy, anaphylaxis, diagnoses, milk proteins

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Start Date

29-10-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2022 12:00 AM



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Oct 29th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Cow's milk anaphylaxis in breast-fed infants

UBT Kampus, Lipjan

Background: Cow’s milk proteins holds the third place in frequency as a cause of food allergy during infancy, after eggs and fish. Although, it’s not the most frequent cause of food allergy,

the cow’s milk, is the first foreign food with which the infant comes into contact, after breast feeding or from the first day of life when the breastfeeding is not possible.

Case presentation: An 8 months old infant with history of wheezy bronchitis/asthma has developed three times. severe anaphylactic reactions. Two times after ingesting a formula containing casein hydrolysate which caused anaphylaxis with ED admissions in regional hospital and the third time anaphylactic reaction occurred after breastfeeding when an infant was referred to higher health institution for diagnoses and treatment.

The fact that anaphylaxis occurred after breastfeeding misled physicians toward accurate diagnosis and the infant was exposed to unnecessary diagnostic procedures.

Conclusion: The reported case is important in demonstrating that allergy/anaphylaxis to cow's milk protein can also occur in breastfed children. It also, emphasizes the need to take this allergic phenomenon into account during diagnostic workup.