Environmental policy and laws for biodiversity and natyre in Republic of Kosovo


Political Science


My research aims at carrying out a comparative approach between Kosovo’s environmental legislation and that of European Union, which is primarily based on four main pillars such as follows; air, water, climate changes, and biodiversity. Kosovo is continuously trying to implement and incorporate European norms and standards and to fully-adopt to European Union legislation being referred to as acquis communautaire. The concept related to enviroment is a multifaceted and highly elaborated in global level. Kosovo has new environmental legislation, created mainly during the last decade. This legislation is generally focused on alignment with EU standards because it relies on the same principles as European environmental. Despite the fact that Kosovo is a small country, it is characterized by rich nature, landscapes, diverse flora and fauna. In this regard, the Law on Nature Protection, aims to regulate the system of protection and general conservation of nature and its values such as: protection, conservation, renewal and sustainable use of natural resources, in a state of natural balance.


Environmental policy, EU standards.Law of nature, biodiversity, Kosovo.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

29-10-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2022 12:00 AM



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Oct 29th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Environmental policy and laws for biodiversity and natyre in Republic of Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

My research aims at carrying out a comparative approach between Kosovo’s environmental legislation and that of European Union, which is primarily based on four main pillars such as follows; air, water, climate changes, and biodiversity. Kosovo is continuously trying to implement and incorporate European norms and standards and to fully-adopt to European Union legislation being referred to as acquis communautaire. The concept related to enviroment is a multifaceted and highly elaborated in global level. Kosovo has new environmental legislation, created mainly during the last decade. This legislation is generally focused on alignment with EU standards because it relies on the same principles as European environmental. Despite the fact that Kosovo is a small country, it is characterized by rich nature, landscapes, diverse flora and fauna. In this regard, the Law on Nature Protection, aims to regulate the system of protection and general conservation of nature and its values such as: protection, conservation, renewal and sustainable use of natural resources, in a state of natural balance.