Ex Post Facto 2


Art & Digital Media


The ongoing series of cinematic paintings questions historical references of major events around the world that made a difference in our lives today.

Finding a story for a new series was very difficult. Starting from tragic stories and added fictional titles, there is irony that gets the viewers to question the concept behind these series. I guess it works, confusing the viewers.

Social economical and political references since 1940 are present, starting from Winston Churchill portraying the young leader and titled one of his famous quotes.

In another painting is Richard Nixon, one of the famous images where he pointed finger to the media at his time, but I need to add my own sentence as a title, I am Not a,,,,,,,.

Ex Post Facto 2 is an example of our daily life that we connect in today’s social media and film. These series of paintings will serve Images that we could easily forget.


Film, social and economic, archive, crime

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

29-10-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2022 12:00 AM



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Oct 29th, 12:00 AM Oct 30th, 12:00 AM

Ex Post Facto 2

Lipjan, Kosovo

The ongoing series of cinematic paintings questions historical references of major events around the world that made a difference in our lives today.

Finding a story for a new series was very difficult. Starting from tragic stories and added fictional titles, there is irony that gets the viewers to question the concept behind these series. I guess it works, confusing the viewers.

Social economical and political references since 1940 are present, starting from Winston Churchill portraying the young leader and titled one of his famous quotes.

In another painting is Richard Nixon, one of the famous images where he pointed finger to the media at his time, but I need to add my own sentence as a title, I am Not a,,,,,,,.

Ex Post Facto 2 is an example of our daily life that we connect in today’s social media and film. These series of paintings will serve Images that we could easily forget.