
Education and Development


This paper addresses the issue of direct constituents, meaning that every sentence in a language is analyzed in terms of the ways natural relationships are formed, such as the concept of "vargu" (a constituent). What is meant by 'vargu,' this is a technical term used in mathematical works on the grammatical structure of language and can be illustrated with the use of an abstract representation, the symbol +, which is used here to denote constituency. A + b + c + d. In this paper, we focus on John Lyons and the thoughts provided by Chomsky, Bloomfield, and other scientists regarding this matter, specifically concentrating on the analysis of phrase meanings. The paper has been treated with special care, which we primarily reflect by presenting concrete examples that demonstrate these analyses. We will achieve this by presenting the scientific advancements in a chronological manner from the researchers we mentioned above.


direct constituents, constituent, linearity, symbol, tree diagram, analysis, structure, rule, phrase."

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



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Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM


UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

This paper addresses the issue of direct constituents, meaning that every sentence in a language is analyzed in terms of the ways natural relationships are formed, such as the concept of "vargu" (a constituent). What is meant by 'vargu,' this is a technical term used in mathematical works on the grammatical structure of language and can be illustrated with the use of an abstract representation, the symbol +, which is used here to denote constituency. A + b + c + d. In this paper, we focus on John Lyons and the thoughts provided by Chomsky, Bloomfield, and other scientists regarding this matter, specifically concentrating on the analysis of phrase meanings. The paper has been treated with special care, which we primarily reflect by presenting concrete examples that demonstrate these analyses. We will achieve this by presenting the scientific advancements in a chronological manner from the researchers we mentioned above.