Presenter Information

Anila PrethiFollow


Journalism, Media and Communication


In the era of social media, where information and communication are distributed rapidly, TikTok has transcended being merely a video-sharing application. This platform has created a unique communication ecosystem, transforming how users share, consume, and engage with digital content.This study analyzes the use of the TikTok social media platform by adolescents aged 14-18 in Albania, focusing on the demands and elements that make the content appealing to this age group. Based on data analysis from surveys conducted with adolescents and interviews with communication experts, we have identified adolescents' preferences regarding the attractive elements and content offered by TikTok. Our findings shed light on how adolescents use this platform to express their identity, as well as the reasons behind the dissemination and consumption of digital content. Additionally, this analysis contributes to understanding the fundamental shifts in communication paradigms in the era of social media.


social media, TikTok, adolescent, digital content

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM




Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

“Requirements and elements of the use of social media TikTok by teenagers in Albania”

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

In the era of social media, where information and communication are distributed rapidly, TikTok has transcended being merely a video-sharing application. This platform has created a unique communication ecosystem, transforming how users share, consume, and engage with digital content.This study analyzes the use of the TikTok social media platform by adolescents aged 14-18 in Albania, focusing on the demands and elements that make the content appealing to this age group. Based on data analysis from surveys conducted with adolescents and interviews with communication experts, we have identified adolescents' preferences regarding the attractive elements and content offered by TikTok. Our findings shed light on how adolescents use this platform to express their identity, as well as the reasons behind the dissemination and consumption of digital content. Additionally, this analysis contributes to understanding the fundamental shifts in communication paradigms in the era of social media.