
Architecture and Spatial Planning


In Kosovo, after the period of 1999, transformations were carried out in the constitutional and legal aspect, but the right to transform housing right was not a priority. As a result of this, adequate policies have not been created to identify all housing issues, aimed at residential units or buildings built before 1999. There have also been no efforts to create new policies, which prioritize the issue of transformation from the possessor to the owner of housing, as an issue with a great social and economic impact . After 1999, the transformation of the right of housing, acquired during the former Socialist period, began. This is actually the main and necessary transformation that has happened in Kosovo. Although necessary as a process, from which the citizens, who enjoy the permanent user right, are the direct beneficiaries, it has not yet been completed. The so-called process of privatization, or the transformation of the right to housing, was a process whose main obstacle was the legal constructions of the discriminatory period, namely the oppressive measures, which had the objective of depriving the right to housing. This process, which has started for more than a decade ago, in addition to enabling privatization, has also served as a process through which the legal and factual problems, created during the discriminatory years, have been inventoried. This process has been able to identify and inventory the problems, inherited in relation to the right of residence, respectively related to residential buildings, which are not inventoried and registered. In this paper, we will clearly address and suggest how to create policies for property rights that will be an indicator to precede the economic and social development plans. In this paper, the problems inherited from the former Socialism and the methods for the transformation from possession, to property rights will be addressed, through the process of sale and privatization.


The right of residence, permanent use, possession, Privatization, Sale and purchase, housing without owner, Former Socialist housing system, Discriminatory period.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

28-10-2023 8:00 AM

End Date

29-10-2023 6:00 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 28th, 8:00 AM Oct 29th, 6:00 PM

The Right of Housing in Kosovo, Challenges of transformation of the permanent user right

UBT Lipjan, Kosovo

In Kosovo, after the period of 1999, transformations were carried out in the constitutional and legal aspect, but the right to transform housing right was not a priority. As a result of this, adequate policies have not been created to identify all housing issues, aimed at residential units or buildings built before 1999. There have also been no efforts to create new policies, which prioritize the issue of transformation from the possessor to the owner of housing, as an issue with a great social and economic impact . After 1999, the transformation of the right of housing, acquired during the former Socialist period, began. This is actually the main and necessary transformation that has happened in Kosovo. Although necessary as a process, from which the citizens, who enjoy the permanent user right, are the direct beneficiaries, it has not yet been completed. The so-called process of privatization, or the transformation of the right to housing, was a process whose main obstacle was the legal constructions of the discriminatory period, namely the oppressive measures, which had the objective of depriving the right to housing. This process, which has started for more than a decade ago, in addition to enabling privatization, has also served as a process through which the legal and factual problems, created during the discriminatory years, have been inventoried. This process has been able to identify and inventory the problems, inherited in relation to the right of residence, respectively related to residential buildings, which are not inventoried and registered. In this paper, we will clearly address and suggest how to create policies for property rights that will be an indicator to precede the economic and social development plans. In this paper, the problems inherited from the former Socialism and the methods for the transformation from possession, to property rights will be addressed, through the process of sale and privatization.