Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor Degree


Computer Science

First Advisor


Second Advisor

Peter Kopacek




Robot Soccer strategy is main part of robot soccer system, where strategy makes briefing of the entire system. Where, using different functions and programming hardware features in the way of batter usage of system, should improve the soccer game of robots. Functions combined between each other to make so called strategy where it is called main part of entire system. Because of this beautiful impact on system, any way entire system is just to make strategy working, and for sure devices on system will have also their impact on strategy behaviour. Thesis mainly has to deal with the way of functionality of Robot Soccer strategy. Also here will be described the differences between the functions and strategy. Consist an explanation, about the structure of the entire software functionality, hardware cooperation with software and their features together. Due to these, will continue describing the old strategy and new one including them functions, also them difference. How the function will have impact on robot behaviour and strategy efficiency using same hardware (system). Also the different combination of different functions, in case to full fill the strategy, how are effecting them on final goal. In other hand the goal is to make new functions and full fill strategy logic of the game, ending with a conclusion on this work that is done and it will suggest new steps forward on future.


