"A Critical Analysis of the Kosova Customs Service Process and Procedur" by Perparim Muja

Date of Award

Winter 2-2009

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Management (MSM)


Management, Business and Economics

First Advisor

Edmond Hajrizi




If one were to ask if re-engineering various systems and procedures of the Kosova Customs Service would be in the service of government of Kosova, the service itself, the broader local, regional and international business community, and the general population as a function of a national strategy designed to bring Kosova closer to European Union Standards the answer to that question would be a simple yes.

The more precise question needs to identify specific process and procedure, and in this regard the question then becomes has the time come for the Kosova Customs Service to implement Internal Customs Clearance procedures? And, if so we must then analyze why the implementation of this procedure has not occurred sooner, identify the benefits, and finally by proposing how the internal customs clearance process can be implemented we can also identify efficiencies.

What is internal customs clearance? In the most simple form internal customs clearance is a customs procedure that does not restrict importers to clearing customs only at customs terminals at border crossing points, rather by using pre-existing Customs infrastructure and more public customs warehouses importers can decide where and when they will clear customs, in strict compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, throughout the territory of Kosova.

Based on International Management theory and practice studies in the UBT International Engineering Management Masters program and combined with field interviews and experience this thesis will argue that implementing such a procedure is possible and would contribute to a contemporary, functional, and regional customs regime aligned with regional policy and trends in support of Kosova’s EU aspirations.



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