Date of Award

Fall 10-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor Degree


Architecture and Spatial Planning

First Advisor

Kujtim Elezi




-The fust museum, is a synthesis, a bond of specific timelines, derived by it’s own name (Future-Past-FUST). What is a void, or void space ? How can we percept it ? What is the best way to relive history? Why do we have to relive it ? Is history only a tool that helps us construct or form the future? These question went through my mind, while working on this thesis. With fust museum i want to express the effect of the butterfly, by reliving these 3 different timeline’s through an chronological order (the world war 2, cold war and the future), but how are we so sure that the future will be as we think of it ? This is the part where the butterfly effect takes place, there are secret rooms inside of the museum, that connects the main parts of it and give’s another dimension of the future itself. The museum starts counter-clockwise, trajectory to the left, because there is no right way to war, and it ends through a decision of the visitor itself. Through this i tried to articulate the ingredients that are exposed in the museum, not by imitating the history. To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history but to articulate it. (Daniel Libeskind)



Included in

Architecture Commons
