

Business, Finance, Menagment, Economy, Acconting


This paper addresses the role and importance of accounting information, in particular liability accounting and the impact of liability centers on the success of the enterprise. The success of business decision making is closely linked to the quality and accuracy of accounting information. Every entity, regardless of ownership, size and form of legal organization, the capital structure exists and functions to achieve its objectives.

We live in a time of great changes in external environmental factors, which impose the need to know modern methods and models for running a business. However, the main basis of business success depends on the quality of decision making. The main basis for quality decisions is accounting information. Information is needed in every management process, from planning, organization to the final stage, the control system.

Thus, information is defined as data processed in comprehensible or relevant forms, which serve different users for certain purposes. This means that accounting information is data processed in order to be usable for planning, controlling and making managerial decisions. Normally, managers can not personally undertake direct observations, over all the activity for which they are responsible. Executives receive information from their associates, or through the content of official reports, some of which are prepared by the accounting sector.

In organizations that have centralized decision-making systems, it takes a long time for local information to pass to headquarters, and conversely, decision-making from headquarters to local units takes a long time. In the conditions of an economy with a very strong dynamics, delays in information make communication difficult, reducing the effectiveness of the decision.

Therefore, in a decentralized enterprise, when the local manager has authority and responsibility in making and implementing decisions, such problems do not arise. Local managers are able to respond to customer requests for price reductions, as well as requests from local governments. The different languages used by managers of different divisions affect communication problems. For this reason, the decentralized structure pushes decision-making down to the local manager level, thus eliminating the need for centralized instructions.

Central management by decentralizing operational decisions, is free to focus on strategic planning that is characterized by long-term decision making. The long-term survival of the company is a priority of central management, rather than operational actions. Top managers have more time to deal with the most important development issues of the company. With decentralization, low-level managers are given the opportunity to make decisions and implement them. Senior managers control and evaluate the decisions of lower level managers.

In the paper, special importance is given to liability accounting, which deals with the identification and tracking of costs and revenues in different departments and departments, divided into areas of responsibility. Every manager has rights and responsibilities in achieving the objectives of the department he leads. All costs incurred, income, loss, profit and investment are subject to the responsibility of someone in the management structure of the enterprise.



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